

凡事都有两面性英文Everything has two sides 两面性可以单独翻译为duplicitydual character 扩展资料 不幸两面性英语的`是两面性英语,在这个问题上剑两面性Unfortunately两面性英语, the sword cuts both ways on this issue不过,一切。

“凡事都有两面性”的英语是Every coin has two sides读音#712evri k#596#618n h#601z tu#720 sa#618dz固定搭配Every coin has two sides 每枚硬币都有两面 事物都是一分为二的。

两面性dual character但凡事都有两面性,C语言在提供了很大灵活性的同时也存在不少安全隐患But everything has two sides and while C#39s flexibility makes it attractive, that also makes it a less reliable。

任何事情都有两面性用英语表示为Everything has two sides,其中任何翻译为any,whatever,whichever,事情翻译为thing,matter,affair,business, circs,两面性翻译为dual character。

1读音英 #39evriθ#618#331,美 #39evriθ#618#3312意思pron 一切所有事物形势情况最重要的东西 3例句His standard for everything is excellence两面性英语他对所有事物的标准是卓越4。

凡事都有两面性英文Every coin has two sides读法英 sa#618d 美 sa#618dn 某人左方或右方的一边,事物左方或右方的一旁由想像的中线分出的一边,一侧有车流来往的道路的方向。

一枚硬币有两面性英语是all coins have two sides俗话说,每个硬币都有两面这句话是常见的谚语,翻译成英文是As the old saying goes,every coin has two sides硬币介绍 硬币,即用金属铸造的货币在我国已有几千年。

Everything has two sides 是最直接的翻译 用在段落里两面性英语你可以用As every coin has two sides开头,然后介绍事情的两面性,优点,缺点,长处,短处等等。

这句话有很多种表达方法every coin has two sides everything has two sidesevery thing has two handles 还有一种是be a two edged sword,比如Computer can be a twoedged sword。

Everything has two sides,so the modern technology also has its advantages and disadvantagesFirst of all,it makes our life more convenientFor example ,buses save up us a lot of timeBesides,it provides us。

“每个硬币都有两面性”这句话用英语说是Every coin has two sides其它说法有A coin has two sides每个硬币都有两面 Every nutshell has a concave and convex side每个贝壳都有凹凸面 Each dog has its day。

初中关于事物两面性的英语作文篇1 We middle school students have had many tests or exams and have both achieved success and suffered from failure, but different students take different attitudes to failure Some。

你好任何事物都有两面性,只不过看你如何使用翻译Every coin has two sides , but the main point depends on how you take advantage of it 希望对你有帮助满意请采纳。

任何东西都有两面性,要取其好处,删其坏处英语翻译为 Everything has two sides We should take its advantages and delete its disadvantages。


Every coin has two sides 每个硬币都有两面通常表示每件事情都有两面性 绝对正确,我高考写作就用过这个句型。

Everything has two sides,the advantages and the disvantages。

每条等都有两面,荫面和阳面两个人握手并分开时,如果能知道两个人谁站在了阳面他将是两个人中更年轻的一方 英国作家爱德华·鲍沃尔·李敦 “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin” Dwight d。

we should treat the matter objetively, bacause every coin has two sides。

标签: 两面性英语


