

1、英语里没有角这个说法,但是两毛=20分,可以直接说20 cents 或者跟表示时间一样,比如1030,可以说成ten thirty,十元三角1030也可以说ten thirty;这本小说花了15元用英语怎么说我15元 翻译成英文是The novel costs me 15 yuan相关单词costs 英#39k#594sts 美#39k#594stsn 花费 讼费,诉讼费用 不惜任何代价 价钱 cost的名词复数 牺牲 用复数。


2、您好,一共是195元 Thank you very much!一般说谢谢先It#39s 195 Yuan in total这是找零,15元 This is your change, 15 Yuan谢谢惠顾,欢迎再次光临 Thank you very much See you soonKFC英语英语小百科 2008;fifty yuan,例如,I have fifty yuan!我有50元;change好像只有做名词的情况下才表示零钱的意思诶15元用英语怎么说你那是动词,所以就是换的意思咯要我说我会说Sorry,I dont have the change at the moment,could you follow me to get it;在表示两个以上的事物时,名词一般用复数,所以,十元十五元二十元二十五元三十元,叫做ten dollarsfifteen dollarstwenty dollarstwentyfive dollars和thirty dollars美元英语United States Dollar,ISO;英语没这么严谨,15元用英语怎么说你还可以说 The shoes is 15 yuanThis pair of shoes is fifteen yuan15 dollars,The shoesThe shoes spend my 15 dollars。

3、用英语说 The existing two kinds of dumplings every 20 RMB 10 vegetables stuffing, 15 yuan per 20 with beef and vegetables,Welcome to our shopAddressChangjiang road no 268Telephone 65789027;Welcome! We have 18 yuan for white wool, 15 yuan for black skirt, 14 yuan for white Tshirt, 20 yuan for black trousers and 20 yuan for white shoes词汇释义 欢迎光临welcome 白色white colour albedo。

4、Full after a certain amount, and buy specified products can be purchased at a discount, an area;This coat costs 385 yuan You#39ve paid me 400 yuan Here is your change, 15 yuan。

5、Full after a certain amount,and buy specified products can be purchased at a discount,an area。



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