

my hobby my hobby is readingmyhobby英语作文5句话, I like to read is because reading is good for meI can learn alot from the books,and I can travel with the bokkseven that your sitting in a room ,you can be on an。

写作思路写作myhobby英语作文5句话的时候,把自己的爱好写出来,要注意英语句式的变化My hoppymyhobby英语作文5句话我的爱好I have lots of hoppy我有许多爱好Such as playing computer games,doing morning exercise and so on例如玩电脑游戏,做早操等。

my hobby英语作文篇1 my hobbyOn weekdays, when I was in school, I play with my classmates Sometimes I play volleyball, and sometimes I play football with them I think football is a very interesting and。

1Hello, my name is XX My hobby is reading books Because it is useful for me to learn knowledge What #39s more , I think it#39s very intersting This hobby。


1 写一篇英语短文,以My Hobby为题,不得少于5句话,急要 My hobby is to sing, because can let me relax and happy to sing I want, bee one singer in the future, because I sing to me very much。



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