

假如你被大学录取英语的名字叫李华被大学录取英语,你给自己的表哥写一封信内容如下1得知你通过高考被北京大学录取,特表示祝贺2北京大学是我国的名牌大学之一,为我国培养被大学录取英语了很多的专家学者,希望你将来也能像他们一样优秀3 你的成功给我;按你说的情况应该会退档的依照录取规则,学校只招收英语考生,而你是日语考生,按照分数你超过了提档线,考试院就会把你的档案提交到院校,但是你不符合院校的要求,所以要退档你自己报错志愿了,没有弄清楚报考规则。

英文是 be admittedbe admitted 词典 被录取 被承认例句The list of students to be admitted has been published录取新生已经发榜Strictly speaking, he shouldn#39t be admitted to the school严格说来;我已经被纽约大学录取了 I have been admitted to New York University 望采纳,谢谢。


A I heard that you are admitted to * * University , is it right?B Yes, it#39s trueA Marvelous Congratulations被大学录取英语!B Thank you信息不全,只能写这么多了~~~。



2、Dear Aunt, I have been accepted by Hunan UniversityI think, this is the time when I need assistance。

3、Word came that he washad been admitted to university 这里可以用过去完成时,因为传言说的时候,他已经被录取了当然用过去式也可以,表示传言本身就是被录取的消息据说他被大学录取了The sooner you do it。

4、问题一被录取用英文怎么说 be admitted 问题二被大学录取翻译成英文 Be admitted to the University 双语例句 我收到了一封信,大意是说我被大学录取了I have received a letter to the effect that I have。

5、university2, He got the admission notice from Harvard University3, On behalf of the General manager, he will go to the meeting tomorrow afternoon4, He has already made an apology to Jack for me。


1、Admitted by University 被大学录取 例句He did well in his exams and was admitted by Peking University他在考试中发挥出色,并北京大学录取了词汇解析admitted 英文发音#601d#712m#618t#618d。

2、大学英语四级考试是统一命题的,每个学校都一样,但试卷不只一套,翻译作文等题可能不同同一个学校内也可能有不同的题学英语四级考试,即CET4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司。

3、As the top one, HeShe was enrolled by ** University。

4、a job position at Peking University because of my excellent academic performance你的原句里是“录用”,所以我这里就翻译为“been offered a job position”被提供了一个职位,这样更接近职业英文的使用习惯。

5、Hey Dear **,How#39s everything going? Well, you wanna know my f**king school life of Twelfth grade? Umm, as a matter of fact, it sucks!You know in China especially in the mainland, we gotta prepare。



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