

“随身携带”用英语take by yourself。

随身携带carry with one carryon某物somewhat somethingI carry my cell phone with me 我随身携带手机You carry your cell phone with you你随身携带手机当主语为一二人称时,动词carry用原型。

take along 随身携带 take along a hardboiled egg for an easy snack带一个煮鸡蛋为小吃Some take along a photo album of favorite pictures, compile a playlist on their music players to help them relax, or。

carry on take along 随身携带leave for 动身去某地leave for 离开某地去某地介绍 在英语中,语气是动词的一种形式,它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度陈述语气表示动作或状态是现实的。


携带的英文是carry或hold,其基本含义是拿着拿着搬运搬运携带等例如,在英文句子中,我们可以说“Can you carry this package for me?”你能帮我拿这个包裹吗或“I will hold your hand”我会牵着。

1carry就有随身携带的意思take,get 这些词在语境中也有这个意思,直接说sb carry sth with him,根据语境,可以理解出随身的意思2所以某人随身带一把伞的英文是Someone carry an umbrella with him。

carry sth with sb 随身携带 carry an umbrella with sb 随身携带雨伞 take along也有随身携带,的意思 take 是“带”的意思along有quotadv 一起quot的意思 take sth along with sb 也有 “随身携带”的意思。

Notice please take good care of your personal belongings, we are not be responsible for the loss of them。

take along英文短语的意思是随身携带,可以翻译成take an umbrella along即可。

take along with the valuables take along with sth,随身携带的意思。

你的翻译只能说意思对,但是不通顺这里要记住have sth with sb是“随身携带某物”的固定结构这里with sb 是宾语补足语,修饰前面的宾语。

carry 指“随身携带”如搬,提,拿,扛,抬,抱,背,带等,不具体说明来去的方向,有时含有沉重或麻烦之意如The wounded men were carried away 伤员被抬走了She carried her baby in her arms 她把婴儿。

Write a note with ten words carry out, often read, write, persist for 3 days。

整理了相关内容,快来看看吧希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注携带用英语口语怎么说carrycarryoverbringtake along 例句Herequots another thing i always carry 我这儿还有一件随身携带的东西The balloon。

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