

持久 词典 lasting persistent enduring durable long haul例句没有正确的领导,群众的积极性就不可能持久Without correct leadership, the enthusiasm of the masses cannot be sustained;持久 1to last to endure to go far 2lasting enduring abiding permanenteverlasting 续航力 n endurance,durability, toughness, sturdiness, strength, permanence, solidity, stability,staying power;persistence continuity durative constancy steadiness 给你一个例句吧因此JMS的配置对性能有重大的影响,尤其是与持续性和持久性有关的配置The configuration of JMS therefore has a significant impact on performance;含有“持续”之意的英语有 continuepersistlast,词组为一continuecontinue with 继续做 continue to do 继续做某事 continue doing 一直做同一件事二persist persist in doing sth坚持做某事 persist in;打持久战 英文怎么说 fight a longlasting warbat“论”用英语怎么翻译 On Capital 资本论On War 战争论On Protracted War 论持久战 论太极拳步法可以翻译成On Footwork of Taichi,但是“论”需要包含很复杂的。

strength KK DJ n1 力,力量,力气实力效力UThe medicine has lost its strength这药已经失效He hasn#39t got enough strength to remove that stone持久的英文他没有足够的力气搬走那块石头2 强度酒等;持续性的英文为durative长期的英文为longterm长期的碎片式阅读会让你的注意力越来越难以集中,深度阅读开始变得越难持久的英文!翻译为Longterm fragmented reading will make it harder and harder for you to concentrate;durable 英#712dj#650#601r#601bl 美#712d#650r#601bladj 持久的 耐用的,耐久的 长期的n 耐用品,耐久品例句Bone china is strong and durable骨灰瓷坚固耐用;I couldn#39t speak with my mouth, but now I would speak through something more lasting than spoken words – written words我不能用我的双唇说话,但是我现在就通过文字,这种比口头表达更为持久的形式说话了lasting;持续的可以用哪些英文单词来表示呢1Continuous 持续的,连续的 2Persistent 持续的,持久的 3Enduring 持久的,持续的 4Sustained 持续的,持久的 5Prolonged 持久的,延长的 6Everlasting 持久的,永久的 7Perpe。


“坚持”的英语名词是persistence坚持 1persistence 2英 p#601#39s#618st#601ns3美 p#602#39s#618st#601ns4n持续固执存留坚持不懈毅力 5短语persistence length 持久长度;“坚持”的英语名词是persistence坚持 persistence 英 p#601#39s#618st#601ns美 p#602#39s#618st#601nsn 持续固执存留坚持不懈毅力 短语persistence length 持久长度 高分子;忍耐和坚持英文是Patience and persistence一patience1读音英 #39pe#618#643ns,美 #39pe#618#643ns2意思n 耐心忍耐毅力 3例句Her endless patience made her the best nurse in;abiding describe a feeling or memory that you have for a long time 感情或记忆持久的,永久的 everlasting lasting forever or for a long time 永久的,永恒的例如,everlasting bulb永远不会烧坏的灯泡 la;EnduringquotEnduringquot表示某种状态或过程具有持久性或长期性,通常用于形容某种情况或现象已经持续了很长时间例如quotThe enduring popularity of the novel is a testament to its timeless themesquot该小说持久的受欢迎程度。

persist in doing sth例句1I failed to persist in doing sth我不能坚持不懈的做某事2You have to persevere and persist in applying your knowledge你必须持之以恒,坚持运用你的知识词汇解析1persist;坚持的英文是insist词汇分析音标英 #618n#39s#618st 美 #618n#39s#618st释义vt 坚持,强调 vi 坚持,强调 短语 Insist now 坚持现在 must insist 必须坚持 insist unfortunately 不幸地坚持 in。



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