

注意安全的英文翻译 Pay attention to safety watch out 小心注意 “路上小心,注意安全”英语翻译 10分 Look outTake careBe careful on yourthe roadLook outTake careBe careful on yourthe road路上注意安全英语;Dear students,after school,please go home as soon as possible,don\#39t stay on the road,cross the road Caution;“路上小心,注意安全”的英文Be careful on the road careful 读法 英 #712ke#601fl 美 #712k#603rf#601l作形容词的意思是仔细的,小心的 短语1careful consideration 深思熟虑细。

道路安全已经引起了很大关注有关部门制定了很多规则来减少这类事故,但是并没有起到很大的作用我认为,在日常生活中我们应该注意道路安全当我们走在街上的时候,我们必须走人行道我们必须学会保护自己此外,汽车驾驶;英语作文我们在路上应怎样注意安全 How to pay attention the safty on the road First, you should look around carefully When you acorss the street, you should look left and then right Not break the rule;“注意安全”Caution #39koch n 名词 小心, 警戒, 警告 通常用于告示牌上的警告语是最常用的Be safe take care 通常用于表示对人关怀 注意身体哦Be careful look out, watch out;1 don#39t play on the street 2 you should be careful when you cross the street 3 wait fou you turn when the light is red 4 before we cross the road ,we must stop and look both ways___。


“请同学们路上注意安全”1 take care of your safety on the road 2 Dear Students,Pay attention to your safety on the road3 Invites schoolmates on the road the safetyconscious 4 Students please road safety;1一般的可以说 be safeWatch out be careful on road,也可以省略掉 on road 2如果对方是开车,直接说drive safely就可以了;这种例子数不胜数,有太多人对自己充满了信心,殊不知,交通事故往往都是因为过于的自信而发生的生命只有一次!希望驾驶汽车的司机和在马路上穿行的人们,注意安全因为生命重于泰山关于交通安全英语作文2 In Beijing;路上注意安全英语你好,英语可说为watch outlook outpay attention to the safety满意速速采纳并给予好评,谢谢合作;1 Take careTake care on the roads They are really icy路上小心,外面冷Tips当我跟别人告别时,我总是这样叮嘱对方2 Mind how you goIt was great seeing you Mind how you go, the traffic is。

我们要注意交通安全和遵守交通安全,过马路要当心不能开玩笑 而且我们更不能在马路上玩耍 We should pay attention to traffic safety and abide by the traffic safety,be careful crossing the road can#39t kidding And we;1caution 通常用于告示牌上的警告语,是最常用的读音英 #712k#596#643n 美 #712k#596#643#601n例句Caution large doses of this remedy are emetic注意大量服用这种;of pedestrians and passengers note making pedestrians shouldfollow1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri Through the。



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