

1、一用英语介绍一个中国历史事件历史事件英语,急用~~~ The Long March traditional 长征 simplified 长征 pinyin Chángzhēng was a massive military retreat undertaken by the Red Armies of the munist Party历史事件英语, the forerunner of;Handan is a mediumsized city located in the southern part of Hebei Province It lies at the east foot of Taihang Mountains 太行山, and borders the North China Plain 华北平原 in the east it is;1July,1789 the beginning of French Bourgeois Revolution 2September,1792 the foudationestablishment of The First Republic of France 31804 Napoleon#39s proclaiming himself emperor, the beginning of the;雅思口语考其实只是考考生的英语表达水平,若是可以将描述的历史事件用英语说得清楚,如此西安事变也没关系,因为这是你选择的自由但通常而言,它与我们生活比较相关的事件我们表达起来会认为比较没有障碍的,由于大很熟悉同时;历史上的今天02月22日 Today#39s Highlight in HistoryTwenty years ago, on February 22nd, 1980, the United States Olympic hockey team upset the Soviets at Lake Placid, New York, 4to3 The US team;the first sinojapanese war The First SinoJapanese War 1 August 1894 – 17 April 1895 was fought between the Qing Empire and the Empire of Japan, primarily over influence of Korea After more than six;因为Enlighten Movement的目的是存在于过去的,这个运动的主旨也好目标也好,都是基于过去的环境和社会想出来的,跟现在没关系或者说这句话里面的the whole world表示的是过去的世界,而不是现在的世界,也不是广义上的。

2、Ban Chao was a lofty ambition, do not care about the little things But at home, filial piety is diligent,过日子常常辛苦操劳,不以劳动为耻辱他能言善辩,粗览了许多历史典籍公元62年永平五年,哥哥班固;July 1st,1997, a meaningful day on which Hongkong went back homeHongkong has been belong to Britain for almost a whole centuryWe felt very happy that dayIt shows our country is becoming stronger and;The legend of Chinese New Year 中国新年的传说 A long long time ago in China,there was a big, scary beast minion Nian, whose name means here He had sharp teeth, big claws很久很久以前在中国,有一个;独立宣言开宗明义地阐明,一切人生而平等,具有追求幸福与自由的天赋权利淋漓尽致地历数了英国殖民主义者在美洲大陆犯下的罪行最后庄严宣告美利坚合众国脱离英国而独立独立宣言是具有世界历史意义的伟大文献通过。

3、前者是“有历史意义的”之意,后者则是“与历史有关的”或“历史上的”的意思,所以a historic event是quot值得纪念的历史事件quotthe historical eventquot历史上确有其事的事件quot,所以题上不强调的话应该是用后者;我可以给你60x100 个词这下面每个稍微介绍一点,加起来都要上千个字Revolutionary War, Constitution, War of 1812, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Mexican War, Civil War, SpanishAmerican War, World War one。


4、九一八事变是20世纪30年代初期发生在中国东北的震惊中外的重大历史事件它不仅是日本帝国主义以武力征服中国的开始,也是法西斯国家在世界上点燃的第一把侵略战火它的爆发标志着亚洲战争策源地的形成和第二次世界大战序幕的揭开;quotBig world, nothing is too strange I think quotif a child is eight weeks, that should have much good!quotIf there is a eight week, I want to take one#39s ease, remain free to play, watch TV, play。

5、milesLater in ChongEr QinMu male under the help of the rulingReturn to jin Jin support 475221 chu conflict,the two armies in the city which meet,ChongEr wince,to lure him deep and win。



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