

1、求职意向英文翻译范例一 Basic informationName xx Gender Male DOB November 28, 19xx Height 176cm Present addressstatus Single Graduation school Yanbian University Major Mechanical Layout, Manufacturing;Basic skills English level General Mandarin level good Computer level familiar with AUTOCAD, PRO E, such as mapping software, information technology through the National Computer Application Technology of;Self assessmentI very like securities in this industry, oneself also fry for years, and also opened futures account The future is trend of the third industry, service such as financial investment, consumption;你好,本人就是商务英语专业应届毕业生个人认为这个专业还是比较热门的,既包含商务方面又概括英语方面,职业选择面还是比较广的,求职意向 岗位大致包括以下几方面教师外贸公司进出口公司翻译文员助理我的同学;求职意向 可胜任应用国际航运业务及相关领域的生产科研工作也可以从事贸易营销管理及活动策划宣传等方面工作Intention to do scientific research production, application of international shipping business and related。

2、外贸,跨境电商,或者是语言培训英语是一门普通高等学校本科专业,属外国语言文学类专业,基本修业年限为四年,授予文学学士学位该专业学科基础包括外国语言学外国文学翻译学国别与区域研究比较文学与跨文化研究;求职意向Job Target 所修课程Majoring Courses 使用软件Mastered Softewares 个人优势 Personal Advantages 在校重要活动 Important Activities in the University 自传 Personal Resume 说明,自传照译的话应该是Autobiography,但不;the ground floor, chase the great opportunities of study and greet the new interpersonal skill, diligenthardworking, optimisticaspirant手工翻译,译文与中文不完全一致,供参考祝求职顺利;Personal Information Name *** Gender Female Date of Birth December 11, 1985 Residence Shenzhen Baoan District Work Experience Two years or more emailMobileSelfevaluation 1 Has a strong ability。

3、求职意向与工作经历=Jobseekers with the intention of work experience 希望工作地区 山东省济南市=Want to work Jinan City, Shandong Province 待遇要求 2000元月 可面议=Treatment requirements 2,000 yuan;Introduction to Mao ZeDong#39s Thoughts 马克思主义思想哲学 Marx’s Philosophy 求职意向Career ChoiceObjective奖 励Awards 外语水平English Language Ability兴趣与特长自我评价 Hobbies and SelfEvaluation。

4、Job search intention postsProduction management, technology, IE, quality management, development Education graduation time institutions professional academic qualifications, etc091999072003 Nanchang;1 in all kinds of enterprises, institutions and government economic management departments engaged in various types of financial related work 2 in the institutions of higher learning and scientific research;求职意向 从事外贸工作,最好是与英语专业相关的工作 Job Target To be engaged in foreign trade,estecially the work relating to English 英语水平 English Skills 2007年通过TEM4 Passed TEM 4 in 2007 2008年通过CET6 Pssed;English 1 a certain degree of listening, writing and translation capabilities2取得英语三级合格证书 2 to obtain a certificate in English 3计算机水平1能熟练应用Office2000WPS2000自动化办公软件 Computer;英语专业在出来工作后主要还是分两方面一方面是口语英语 一方面就是书面英语了 看你那个比较擅长 如果口语较强 有8级以上证书的话,可以考虑高级翻译 前景好啊 如果没有证书的话 外贸是个不错的行当,主要和外国客户进行接单。




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