

横吹笛子fluting吹笛子用英语怎么说,笛子和箫在英文里面是一个词吹笛子用英语怎么说,所以,你翻译的时候,增加动名词来区别,如horizontal blowing and vertical blowing flute有些直了,参考下;长笛是现代管弦乐和室乐中主要的高音旋律乐器,音质动感而好听,声音婉转而悠扬相信不少同学都会吹长笛,那么你知道长笛用英语怎么说吗吹笛子用英语怎么说?下面我为大家介绍长笛的英语说法,欢迎大家一起学习长笛的英语说法 flute 英;笛膜演奏时贴于膜孔处的一个小薄片,一般用嫩 芦苇杆中的内膜制成 乐器特色属于木管乐器家族中的吹孔膜鸣乐器类是典型的中国民族乐器 英语中国乐器的笛子英语为其拼音dizi,西洋乐器的笛的英语为flute吹奏;笛子相关英文表达play the flute 吹笛子 flute making 笛子制作 笛子英文说法例句1 He took out his flute, and blew at it他拿出笛子吹了起来2 He was playing an old tune on his flute他用笛子吹奏一首;the concert 祝你开心 动词就用play就可以了 吹笛子英语Play the bamboo flutefluting1吹用动词play表示,表示演奏的意思例句The organ is playing 风琴在奏鸣2bamboo flute是竹笛的意思,也可以省略;这个用英语怎么说零冠词是指名词前面没有不定冠词aan定冠词the,也没有其他限定词的现象零冠词也是冠词的一种例如This is my bookBread is made from flourLet#39s go and play basketballHe is;问题一吹笛子用英语怎么说 Play the flute 问题二吹笛子的吹英语怎么说 通常用play做动词,如 play piano, play violin, play flute 但有用blowing whistle, 吹哨 问题三吹笛子的英语怎么说 5分 play the;他正在吹笛子 希望回答对您有所帮助,请及时采纳,多谢!~问题三笛子用英语怎么说 笛子bamboo flute 长笛flute 短笛piccolo 问题四笛子的英文怎么说? flute 词霸上的解释flute flutn长笛, 笛状物, 凹槽;笛子是flute,吹笛子就是play the flute ,演奏乐器的动词一般都用play;吹笛子的英文fluting 英 #39flut#618#331 美 #712flut#618#331n笛声吹笛子有沟槽的衣料刻凹槽 1But I wonder were you doing Yoga with Hanfu or fluting?但我想问下你是在做瑜珈。

我今天忙着去学校报到,没看见我喜欢阅读,吹笛子和萧但是不太熟练Today I am busy to school, didn#39t see it I like reading, playing the flute and xiao But not very skilledI was busy going to;钢琴作为课程,前面没有定冠词3中国传统乐器前准确地说是汉语拼音乐器名词前不用定冠词“the”,如果表示具体数量时,如一把二胡,前面用不定冠词例子play erhu 拉二胡play dizi 吹笛子。

民族乐器的英语都是拼音啊,笛子就是dizi,二胡就是erhu其实中国特有的东西都可以用拼音代替,比如四合院的英语就是siheyuan,烧卖就是shaomai只要界定解释就行了;play the flute 例句 He is playing the flute他正在吹笛子 希望回答对您有所帮助,请及时采纳,多谢!~;I have a good friend She is Anna She lives in Haining She is very lovely She is eleven years old and her birthday is in June She#39s small, thin and active She has short black hair Her;笛子用英语怎么说如下笛子英语fluten长笛,笛状物,凹槽笛由一根一端封闭的纤细管子组成的,高音木管乐器侧边有按键和指孔,靠近封闭端有一个使气流进入的开口,也作transverseflute笛子是迄今为止发现的最古老的。

钢琴piano 二胡,琵琶等民族乐器用汉语拼音音译即可类似于中文姓名鼓drum 三角三角铁triangle;The Dizi Chinese Bamboo FluteBecause it sounds great, is easy to learn, light to carry and inexpensive, the Dizi Chinese Bamboo Flute is one of most popular Chinese instruments in AsiaThe Dizi also。




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