

1、拔牙的英文tooth extraction 短语1tooth surface 齿面轮齿表面 2long in the tooth 岁口大的马年迈的,年老的 3tooth decay 蛀牙龋齿齵齿 示例For some, even a tooth extraction would be。

2、拔牙 词典extract a toothpull out a toothexelcymosisDo you dread having a tooth pulled out拔牙英语?你很害怕拔牙吗?dental decay 龋齿 teeth braces 牙套 wearing braces 戴牙套 toothache 牙痛,牙疼如有疑问,请追问。

3、拔牙英文为extract a tooth 双语例句 1牙医拔牙时她痛得喊叫起来She cried out with pain when the dentist pulled her tooth out2当牙医给他拔牙时,他疼得叫起来He cried with pain when the dentist pull。

4、拔牙的英文是extract a tooth拔牙是口腔科最常用的治疗技术因拔牙可造成局部组织的损伤,引起出血肿胀疼痛等反应,也可导致血压体温脉搏的波动,所以必须慎重对待对心血管病血液病患者尤应注意,否则会带来严重。



6、toothache 牙疼 exodontia 拔牙 I#39ve had toothache for a while,so I want to have a exodontia。

7、从意思上其实没有什么区别拔牙都得用力的两个都差不多I got an abscess so he took the tooth out拔牙英语我牙龈脓肿,所以他把那颗牙齿拔掉了The hotpot was very biting, So MR LEG said that So biting拔牙英语! If。

8、拔牙Pull out teethI have two tiger teeth They are cute but I must pull out them for good –lookingSo one day ,I went to the hospital ,First I am kind of happy But later my mood became afraid。

9、一天终于结束了,这一天里,有没有哪件事或某个人触动到我们呢让我们一起认真地写一篇日记吧日记写什么内容才新颖丰富呢下面是我为大家收集的拔牙英语日记,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢拔牙英语日记 篇1 Today。

10、3Tooth Filling Dental Restoration补牙若有龋齿,牙医会告诉你有几个 filling 要做没有保险的话,补牙费用约 $100 颗上下补牙的材质树脂是Resin银汞是Alloy4Tooth Extraction 拔牙Wisdom tooth extraction。

11、在我国,对话教学是伴随新课程改革而出现的一种新的教学形态,在近几年倍受关注我整理了关于拔牙的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于拔牙的英语对话一 Patient=P Doctor=DP I have a bad tooth Should it be filled。

12、空里填dentist,牙医 全句译为牙医的工作就是填补,清理和拔除牙齿to后一系列成分是表语这是不定式充当表语的语法现象,即sb is to do eg his job is to teach 他的工作是教书 his work is to attend to the。

13、tooth 英 tu#720θ 美 tuθn 牙齿 vt 给装齿 vi 啮合 词组短语 tooth profile 齿形齿廓 tooth surface 齿面轮齿表面 long in the tooth 岁口大的马年迈的,年老的 tooth decay。

14、1even a worm will turn狗急跳墙 2black sheep害群之马 3kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕 4glare like a tiger eyeing its prey虎视眈眈 5pull a tooth from the tiger‘s mouth虎口拔牙 6a。

15、extraction 拔牙术 fascial space infection 间隙感染 fluoride 氟化物 fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折 gum, gingiva 牙龈 herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎 infraorbital space 眶下间隙 jaw 颌骨 leukoplakia 白斑 lichen planus。

16、4Xray examinationX光检查这是指牙医使用X光来获取关于口腔健康的详细图像X光能够显示隐藏在牙齿和牙龈下的问题,如牙齿蛀牙牙根感染牙根残留等,从而提供更准确的诊断和治疗方案5Tooth extraction拔牙这是。

17、prosthodontics 镶牙牙医 general dentist 全科牙医 do all things, but difficult one refer to specialist1implant 种植牙 plant a denture in the jaw boneoral surgeon 外科牙医 拔牙, 尤其难拔的智齿, implant。



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