

the great father always has many ways to make my mother delightedWithout my father,I can’t imagine the atmosphere in my familyThen,he is a responsible fatherLast year,my brother was put into prison英语作文我的偶像;范文My idol is Stephen ChowStephen Chow has made a lot of movies He is a very excellent actor When you are tired, you will watch his movies to relax yourself英语作文我的偶像我的偶像是周星驰周星驰出演英语作文我的偶像了很多部;knowTherefore,he is my idol and there are many things i can learn from him大意回答问题的这个人是英语作文我的偶像我的偶像,他是个雷锋,做英语作文我的偶像了好多好事,例如帮助朋友还有陌生的蜀黍,所以他是我的偶像并且我会向他学习;Lady Gaga,美国著名歌手,是我最喜欢的人我不仅是对她的百变造型很着迷,而且她的演唱风格独特她喜欢唱歌,是很辛苦的工作虽然她没有从大学毕业,她有了一个完美的原因只有这样,她能把更多的精力集中在唱歌I。

In the eyes of the students, the teacher is a seemingly stern and nature gentle good teacher, no matter the teacher is in the lecture or students, he always appealed so patient So we all like him;英语作文 我的偶像 My idol My idol is Leehom Wang王力宏He is a talent singerHe can play many instrumentFor example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on Also,his songs are very good!Such。


1 英语作文我的偶像王俊凯 I have a friend named wangjunkai Her medium height, shapely, oval face, *** all eyes but great temperament She is interested in singing and dancing She has participated in;我的偶像蔡旭坤 正如你所知,有一些著名的词“唱歌跳舞说唱和篮球”我最喜欢的偶像是蔡旭坤他是一个好歌手他唱得很好他告诉我们“越努力,越幸运”我同意他的说法他不仅是一个歌手,而且是一个积极的人;刘翔是中国体育田径史上也是亚洲田径史上第一个集奥运会冠军,是我们中国人的骄傲相信刘翔是不少同学心中的偶像,那么你知道有关刘翔的 英语 作文 要怎么写吗?下面我为大家带来我的偶像刘翔英语作文 范文 。

my idol大学英语作文篇1 As the old saying goes An idol is an example to advise you what should do and what should not do Everyone has hisher idol Who is your idol? Your parents, famous people or;译文我很喜欢姚明,他是我最喜欢的偶像I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player in China译文我喜欢打篮球,在我看来他是中国最优秀的篮球运动员When he started to;我的偶像刘翔英语作文1 Born in the 1980s, Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes in our country He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles He is even the most capable hurdler in the world He。

在学习工作乃至生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现你写作文时总是无从下笔下面是我收集整理的我的偶像初中英语作文,欢迎大家分享I like Yao Ming very much who;Do you know as a boy, Jay was called Dull Stupid But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play His moth;高中英语作文我的偶像篇1 My idol I#39m not a make track for a star of the person you like, listening to music without who must listen to the song, the song is ok, as long as it is able to touch。



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