

1、渥太华是加拿大首都和政治文化中心作为加拿大第四大城市多伦多英语作文,无论从城市规模还是国际知名度看,渥太华都比不上多伦多温哥华和蒙特利尔但独特的文化个性优美的城市风光闲适的生活情,使渥太华不仅受到加拿大人民的钟情,而且多伦多英语作文;Do you actually know about Canada?let me tell you about the facts of Canadafirst of all,the biggest city of Canada is Toronto,though it is not the capital city of the countryThe capital city of Canada。

2、Bethune, member of the Communist Party of Canada, internationalist, famous department of thoracic surgery physicians In 1890 was born in Canada Ontario gravenhurst town and joined the Communist Party of Canada in;七年级英语作文 篇1 Unit 1 sectionB 3a Dear Student, My name is Bob I live in Toronto , Canada , and I want a pen pal in China I think China is a interesting country I’m 14 years old and my;At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home检举。


3、七年级英语作文 篇1 My Day I get up early at six every day After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes At seven I have breakfast After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school;I will draw an angle to help poor people Then the world will be full of love If I have a magic pen , I will have many things to do We only have one world , we should love it The。

4、I have a pen pal Her name is Maria She is from Canana And she lives in Toronto As for her family, she has two brothers and two sisters She can speak English and Spanish I like her very much;Canada is a highly developed capitalist country2中文翻译 加拿大,位于北美洲最北端,英联邦国家之一,素有“枫叶之国”的美誉首都是渥太华,著名城市有多伦多温哥华等加拿大西抵太平洋,东迄大西洋,北至北冰洋。

5、英语作文多伦多英语作文我们身边的英雄 #xE768 我来答 2个回答 #热议# 二阳是因为免疫力到期多伦多英语作文了吗?匿名用户 20221224 展开全部 Unit4A 我们身边的英雄 Heroes among us Who#39s a hero these days? 我们身边的英雄谁是当今的英雄? In an;它有两种官方语言法语和英语它的大部分城市在世界都很有名, 例如渥太华, 加拿大的首都, 还有多伦多,世界上最发达的城市之一加拿大的气候是非常冷的,通常冬天从12月开始一直到3月结束,而夏天则非常短,是由7月;七年级英语作文 篇1 I have a warm family, There are three people in our family, they are my father,my mother and me my family name is Wang, my first name is run ting , They love me very much, I am the。

6、Francis Bacon的论文写的很好啊,为什么只有120字? 还不到半页不过小朋友的作文应该自己写我这么着,给多伦多英语作文你写一半啊授人以鱼,不如授人以渔,你懂得Francis Bacon once wrote “Reading maketh a fullman conference a;介绍奥运会的英语作文带翻译如下quotThe Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijingquot“2008年第29届奥运会授予北京市”The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as;At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home。



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