

Respect teacher, polite to others, help others, friendly and treat people obey the traffic rules, walk the zebra crossing, not red light running, protect environment, do not litter, not to step on the gra。

为配合我市开展“创建文明城市build a civilized city”活动,学校举办以How to Behave Well?为主题建设文明城市英语作文的英语征文比赛现在请你根据所给提示内容,用英语写一篇80词左右参赛短文提示1衣着整洁2保持环境卫生3待人建设文明城市英语作文;争做创建文明城市小志愿者Westrivetocreateacivilizedcityvolunteers每当我乘车时看到有年迈的老爷爷老奶奶或抱着孩子的叔叔阿姨,我马上主动给建设文明城市英语作文他们让座,看到他们不再吃力的样子,我开心地笑建设文明城市英语作文了WheneverIgobycarsawhiselderly;Now more and more people get to know it’s important to protect our living environment So we held an activity named”Green Life”In order to live a lowcarbon life, we will ride a bike to school。

I get off and walk across the street, but always someone crosses the red light Once at the intersection near National Taiwan University I saw an accident a taxi had stopped for the light, and another tr;We have only one earth But now,the environment becomes worse and worse As you know,there#39s no enough clean water for people So many of them lose their lives because of water In a lot of countries;创建文明城市英语作文篇一创e69da5e887aa7a616f39建文明城市从我做起作文争当文明市民,要从我做起,从现在做起,从小事做起在我身边就发生了这么一件事今天下午我和我的好朋友正在玩耍,然后我妈妈让我回去拿东。

Civilization construction of Zhoucun, to create a civilized city, area appoint, district government is to build welloff, compose builds harmonious Zhoucun to make a great and decisionmaking, is a consistent;The civilized city in Mao Ming The culture is like the wind, soft the heart of people the culture is like the lamp, light the future the culture is like the rain, wet the dry heart of people Mao;Help to Make Dongtai a Civilized City We all know that Dongtai is applying for the national civilized city As students, what should we do ? We must respect our teachers, parents and the old We should;HOW TO build a civilised city Taking care of our environment is our dutyBut how can we do to make our environment more beautiful?first,we must make ourselves cleanFor example,we must wash our clothes;be civilization small guards, I love the natureLove the nature is our duty, to love flowers and trees新的一天开始啦向天空的蓝天启示我爱大自然我爱美好的城市创建文明城市要成为文明人不乱折花草树木,不乱;In order to create a civilized city, we students should try to do well in the activityTo keep a good habit clothes clean and tidy Our city should be kept clean every day Don#39t litter Be polite;4参考词汇civilized文明的 respect 尊敬Dear John, I’m glad to hear from you Now let me tell you something about our cityNantongis trying to set up a national civilized city We middle school;As you know,there#39s no enough clean water for peopleSo many of them lose their lives because of waterIn a lot of countries,people have to cut trees for livingSo there#39s nothing to keep water from。


西安是我家 西安位于我们祖国的西北部,她面积不大,是陕西省的省会城市和西北地区的中心西安是一个古老而文明的城市,是美食和旅游的好去处西安是十三朝古都有驰名中外的兵马俑,历史悠久的小雁塔大雁塔钟楼明。



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