

4 have a love affair with sb相当于汉语中谈恋爱用英语怎么说的“与某人谈搞对象”5 A and B go together直译是“A和B走到一起”,就是两个谈起了恋爱,较婉转的说法6 go out with sb直译“与某人出去”,如果一个女人;就是be in love with ,fall in love 是爱上某人还不一定谈上恋爱了呢be in love 表示恋爱的状态,是指正在谈;谈恋爱 sb and sb are going togetherwalking out例Carry on a love affair正在谈恋爱 Have romantic experience with sb 和某人谈恋爱 Are Kevin and Tracey going together?凯文和特蕾西在谈恋爱吗Are Tony and;很多种说法,而且要分清是动词还是名词的恋爱呀动词谈恋爱用英语怎么说我恋爱了I#39m in loveI#39m falling in loveI#39m seeing someone和XX谈恋爱 I#39m with xxI#39m going steady with xxI#39m dating xx名词love amativene。

LS两个都行,wanna比较口语话,还可以说I want to be in love;我想谈恋爱I want to love谈恋爱用英语怎么说!I wanna fall in love!I#39m gonna fall in love;would you marry me ?或只说marry me可以嫁给我吗would you go out with me ?可以和我谈恋爱吗;for a dinner tonightwant是比较孩子气的说法,例如,I want to eat candy大人就不要用want了,用I#39d like to I plan to I intend to 要想谈恋爱,英语很地道地表达I love you 呵呵;你好,这个句子之内翻译是Do you want to fall in love with me?当然,还可以换成其他意思相同的句子如,Do you want to be with me?或者是Would you love me?或者是Do you like me;Now,I don#39t fall in loveonly,and continue to make friends。

问题二谈恋爱用英语怎么说 fall in love英 f?l in l?v 美 f?l ?n l?v陷入爱河歌名电影追爱总动员 例句Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him 虽然过程缓慢,但她无疑;6 他们恋爱那时国家正进行著战争Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war7 行医道德有规定, 禁止医生与病人谈恋爱Medical ethics ie those observed by the medical;I intend to fall in love with someone with the purpose of getting married注释intend to 想要,fall in love with someone与某人谈恋爱,with the purpose of 以为目的,get married,结婚 希望对你有用;楼上问友们说的都有道理,不过根据我多年和外国人打交道以及看英文电影的经验,我觉得一下几个词组更好1see sb 例句are you seeing mary?你在和玛丽谈恋爱吗2date sb i#39m dating susan我在和苏珊处对象。

你的意思是“谈恋爱”吗通俗一点的有 go together 如Mark and Barbara are going together now翻译成马克与巴巴拉现在正在谈恋爱正式一点的有fall in love 一般说fall in love with somebody ,爱上某人或者与。



