

美好的回忆英文happy memories memory 读法 英 #39mem#601r#618 美 #39m#603m#601ri作名词的意思是记忆,记忆力内存,计 存储器回忆 短语1in memory of 纪念2shape memory 形。

fantastic memory or fantastic recollection 我在英国,这个词语是比较常用的,其他地方不清楚了。

最地道的应该是nice memorywonderful 用得太重,外国佬用词并不重的sweet 用在度蜜月的回忆好些beautiful是Chinglish不好。

II Family Memories I also have a lot of beautiful memories with my family I remember when I was a child, my parents would take me to the park and we would have a picnic together I remember when I。

可以翻译为Looking back on the past, we all have many good memories或者 Recalling the past, we all have many good memories。

Sweet memories Sunday,I got nothing to do,he opened the drawer,saw a photo album,there are I did a lot of photos,one I rememberRemember the time when I was six years old,mom and Dad took me to th。

memories when it comes to my happy memories,i have many things to sayTo be honest,i think ones memories is his biggst treasureSo ,here,i will share it with youBest apple i still remember my。

美好的回忆英语作文,每个人心中都会有些美好的`回忆,这些回忆的瞬间是可以用英文来纪录的,下面就由我为大家介绍一下关于美好的回忆英语作文的相关内容,希望大家能够一起来看看吧美好的回忆英语作文1 My grandma lived。

留下很多美好的回忆,英语是Leave a lot of good memories解释leave 英liv 美livvt 离开 遗弃 忘了带 交托vt 离去 出发 舍弃n 准假 假期 辞别 许可例句He would。


1关于回忆的唯美英文句子,带翻译 The socalled memory, but is never go back to the memory of the just 回忆这片沼泽,没有谁可以幸免不失足掉落,而我们用来挣扎的时间,是一生 Memories, beautiful and hurting, memories of。


因此,我们有良好的关系 另外,我初中的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,她是善良和耐心 我会永远记住我的初中生活 转载请注明出处 #x00BB 回忆的英文是什么? 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐。

You are my beautiful memory,forever。

Try to Remember the Good Things 回忆美好时刻 When times become difficult and you know they sometimes will, remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness当你身陷困境的时候你有。

boast是很骄傲,很开心的表示拥有的意思 其中含有无限的快乐语气 bygone就是表示过去的 曾经的 现在没有了的 “美好”其实native speakers都回用sweet 特别是在表述回忆之类事务的时候 因为中文中的“美好”不仅有“美”更是。



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