

从句中一般含有can以免英语, could, may, might, will, would 等情态动词此外,in case以防,以免, lest免得,以防, for fear that以免,惟恐,on purpose that ,in the hope that也可以引导目的状语从句 1 用so that引导so。

请勿将手机和房卡放在一块,以免消磁失效 英语怎么说 Please do not put the mobile phone and key card together For fear that card might demagnetize以上回答供您参考希望对您有所帮助杭州图书馆。

以免英语你解答遇到火灾时请不要乘坐电梯,以免遇到危险To avoid danger, don#39t take the lift when there is a fire。

for all尽管,for a song非常便宜地,for certain确切地,for company陪着,for ever永远,for example例如,for fear以免,for fair肯定地,for free免费,for fun为了好玩,for good永远,for instance比方,for luck祝福,for life终身,for lo。

The goods will come to Dalian Port as soon , please provide the release B L so as not to affect the delivery。

翻译 Tension due to the position before the Spring Festival, we hope you notify us in advance of transport, in order to avoid the inconvenience and unnecessary losses。

“提前告知你,免得你担心害怕”quotTell you in advance so that you don#39t worryquot重点词汇 1advance 英 #601d#712vɑ#720ns 美 #601d#712v#230nsn尤指武装部队的前进,行进进步。


This report about the employment status in USA straight let me think of myself Its ashamed that my major was Korean language, but I#39m doing nothing with my profession but marketing now, which directly。

你 的 老 师 说 to helps 才 对 , 荒 谬 得 很 18032005 因为小学老师许多时都是死记英文文法,没有活学活用,所以,你最好列印这篇征服英语给你的老师,以免他说你错 希望帮到你less than 是。

关于该句子的英文写法,可以为,Qi Xuanzhu teacher happy birthday to the students to send this blessing to the teacher do not send the video to avoid bad can not be a blessing当然,如果能够上去的东西,都。

it was 不可以缩写成it#39sbe 的过去式 was ,were一般不可缩写,不可以缩写的原因是因为缩zd写的话会造成时态混淆如It was National day yesterday昨天是国庆节不能将was缩写She was sad last night她。


Be careful not to lag behind, so as not to get lost, if lost, the most important thing is to stay in place, so that your friends can find you in place。

改不好 你参考下 About the charge you asked,could you please think again and adjust a more appropriate wayAnd about the freight this time, our purpose was to try to save another cargo burden,which caused。

The booth摊位 that my friend has reserved at GDS is too bigTherefore, he wants to see if there is anyone who can share the space with him Otherwise, it would be such as waste。

3,我选择来这个研究室是因为这里的科学研究很先进,教授也很厉害The reason why I came here is because the science reserach here is so advanced, and the professors are really excellent4,我的英语水平很一般。

标签: 以免英语



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