

1、Today沉溺英语,the world becomes more intellective with the technology of we human beingsSo the computers are madeBut whether they are good or not on earth沉溺英语,we can#39t define definitelyThe computer,in my opinion,I;antiquarianize 沉迷于酒色的闲游浪荡的 dissipated 沉溺,沉迷 welter 沉迷于 wallow in , revel in , mainline 沉迷于酒色的人voluptuary 网络寡妇 指丈夫沉迷于网络, 冷落妻子, 让沉溺英语他们形同寡妇cyberwidow;1vacation 英v#601#712ke#618#643n 美ve#712ke#643#601n, v#601释义n 假期,休假 古 空出,撤出,辞去vi 度假例句During his summer vacation;英语作文如下Dear Jim,It is said that you are addicted to computer games recently I am writing this letter to tell you that it is not good to indulge in computer gamesComputer games can only relax us;Wallow in the net或者 Wallow in the cyberworldWallow in沉迷于,沉溺于的意思,很形象19 求初中英语全部短语1500个以上 29 26 初中英语短语 和句型最重要的5个 11 初中英语所有短语句式 3 04 求。

2、词语翻译英语tobeengrossed,tobeabsorbedwith,toloseoneselfin,tobeaddictedto法语êtreabsorbépar,seperdredans,êtreaccroà三网络解释沉迷汉语词语沉迷是一个汉语词语,读音是chénmí,是指深深地沉溺某事物关于沉迷的;沉迷的英语介绍如下indulge英#618n#712d#652ld#658 美#618n#712d#652ld#658v放纵沉湎,沉迷,沉溺于满足欲望兴趣等参加,参与尤指违法活动听任第三人称;就用indulge in 指的是沉溺于后面接sth或者doing sth abandon 和addict是贬义有堕落于,不能自救的意思 如果非要用abandon的话是abandon oneself to sth 所以说我沉溺于你的笑容是I abandon myself to your;沉迷的英语是indulge英 #618n#39d#652ld#658,美 #618n#39d#652ld#658vt 迁就纵情于放任 vi 放纵自己于名词indulger,过去式indulged,过去分词indulged,现在分词indulging;Dear Lee Hua,I have received notice saying that you will be leaving for the United States in the upcoming student exchange programWhile I congratulate you on this wonderful mission,I feel the necessity to;“上瘾”的英语addiction 音标英 #601#39d#618k#643#601n美 #601#39d#618k#643#601nn 上瘾,沉溺癖嗜例句1And when you have an addiction, you struggle with it如;It#39s bad for a student#39s studay and healthy ,if he addicted to playing computer game。

3、沉浸在 lose oneself in 例句Occassionally, I like to lose myself in books 有时我喜欢全心全意看书I can lose myself in books 我可以陶醉在书里I often lose myself in thought late at night! 我;他们一直沉溺于奢侈享乐之中大臣庄辛预见到楚国会发生危险一天他劝谏楚王说“陛下,无论您走到哪儿,身旁总是那些奉承您的人,他们想尽办法让您高兴,您就忘了处理国事长此以往,国家迟早会灭亡的”楚王大怒“。


4、Indulgence in the past can only prevent you from striding into the future Nothing will prove you deserve failure Before you complain to others,ask yourself if you have made great efforts;这里是系动词be动词加形容词构成系表结构,后面接介词to+对象例如 He is addicted to golf 他迷上了高尔夫球 如果去掉be,那么addicted作为形容词就不能单独使用那么用动词addict,使沉溺,使入迷但是,现代英;I used to be fascinated to playing computer gamesbe addicted to 对上瘾沉溺于Be Fascinated着迷, 评论 deyang07 来自团队大隐于市 六级采纳率46% 擅长器乐声乐英语翻译电影音乐小说。

标签: 沉溺英语



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