

你要干嘛用英语怎么说你想干什么你要干嘛用英语怎么说?What do you want你想要什么干什么What do you want to do你想干什么做什么What do you want to be你想做什么样的人;例句 1“你在干嘛呢现在该知道你要干嘛用英语怎么说了吧”那个少爷不知道什么时候跟来了quot What are you doing? Now the know?quot The young man did not know when to come2乔你在干嘛这些练习看来都很艰苦Joe What。

你在干嘛用英语翻译为What are you doing?例句1Dressing for work can be a battle, but only if you don#39t know what you#39re doing为工作着装就跟打仗似的,除非你不知道你在干嘛2Her friend was;希望可以帮到你,谢谢 问题二你在干嘛用英语怎么说 What are you doing 问题三你干嘛呢英文怎么说 What are you doing?~亲,如果你认可你要干嘛用英语怎么说我的回答,请点击采纳为满意回答按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上。


1、问题五我儿子夜里睡觉一直出汗,是什么愿因? 倒不一定是什么病啦,汗腺太发达了,如果严重的话可以手术切除一些交感神经还是副交感神经我忘了解决,一定要到医院看问题六你想干嘛,用英语怎么说 Do you。


2、What do you want to do?希望能够帮到您。

3、回答和翻译如下 What are you doing ?你正在干嘛 文字和句子润色如上。

4、你想说什么 你想问什么 你想干嘛 What do you want to say? What do you want to ask? What do you want?重点词汇释义 什么what。

5、what#39s is you 语法错误 应为What are you doing? 你在干什么 What do you want to do 你要干什么。

6、看场合,有3种以上的说法美女被屌丝男堵住要电话号码时,用 what the hell do you wanna do?美女问小朋友周末了,你想干嘛啊,用 what are you going to do?为别人提供服务时,can i help you?或者what can i。

7、What do you want?What#39s your intention?这两句是意思是你想干嘛,有种警觉的意思 what do you want to do则表示问别人有没有什么计划打算之类的意思。


What are you doing 你想去做什么用英语怎么说 英文原文What do you want to do?英式音标w#594t du#720 ju#720 w#594nt t#601 before a vowel t#650 stressed tu#7。

去吧,你喜欢干什么就干什么It#39s no use trying to steer the boy into a course of action that suits you,he#39ll do whatever he pleases说服孩子按你的意志去做是没用的,他愿意干什么就干什么吧quotDo you mind。

你想要做什么的英文 What are you going to do?What do you want to do 你想要做什么的英语例句 1 What do you want to do? I want to visit City Park!你想要做 什么 ?我想要参观城市公园2 So Sand。

什么anything something before a noun or by itself what before 也 or 都 any 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1保罗别作梦了!说真的,你想要做什么?Paul Dream on Really, what do you want。


