

Scrambled egg with tomato is simple and delicious, what would you do? Here, let me introduce for youEgg, good chopped green onion garlic slices Set asideHeat up a pan, add eggs, Fried woodpile, eggs;西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法西红柿切薄瓣大小要均匀,厚度要一致 鸡蛋打散,加入少许盐少许糖少许凉白开水再另外一只碗中,放入少许淀粉,倒入2勺鸡汤,拌匀,再加入少许的盐和糖继续拌匀 炒锅中加入葱油葱油可以事先备。

译文再然后,放些油到锅里,油热后将混合均匀的鸡蛋倒入锅中5Later,stir-fry and cut into small pieces by trunerAfter completion,bring it out and wait us back use 译文完成后,翻炒并用锅铲将鸡蛋;1, hot pot! Hot oil! boiling 2, egg liquid fully mixing, use chopsticks or eggwhisk hit bubble, the bubble is not spread before the pour into boiling oil 3, a large, stir gently, make th。

Fried Egg and Tomato 西红柿炒蛋 Heat up some oil and throw the eggs in先把油加热,然后加入蛋Add 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of sugar加入1茶匙的盐和1茶匙的糖专业的英文烹调书都会准确的列明每一种佐料;写作思路将西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法详细地描述出来,中心要明确,语言要通顺等等,避免语法使用错误正文As the saying goes, quotpeople eat for the skyquot, almost every place has its own delicious food, and our。


标准翻译 Fried Egg and Tomato 附带做法翻译 First of all, prepare four tomatos and three eggs, pour oil into the pan while stirring the eggs until they are mixed up, when oil heats up and put the egg。

葱花炒鸡蛋的英文Scrambled Eggs with Diced Scallion scrambled是什么意思v 1I攀登,爬2I~ for sth争夺,竞争尤指为得到某事物3T~ sth up将东西乱混在一起,搅乱某事物4T。

西红柿炒鸡蛋的英文是stirfried tomatoes and eggs,也可以说stirfried tomato and egg记住要加上stirfried哦,是“炒”的意思至于后面的2个名词是单数还是复数,建议保持一致就可以了,并无严格要求。





呵呵 我很喜欢炒鸡蛋 =In order to scramble eggs, you need to turn on the fire and wait for the pot to heat up, and then add a teaspoon of oil As the oil heats up, break an egg and pour it。

英语翻译介绍一道菜的制作过程葱花炒蛋,用英语来描述 答案 Introduced a recipechopped green onion scrambled eggs 用英文介绍一道菜的做法一两百字 quot写一封邮件为你的朋友介绍一道菜的做法quot这是。

英文名称The tomato fries the egg 或者 Tomato with eggs 英文做法Raw material Egg 3,Tomato 150 grams,Vegetable oil 4 soupspoon,Salt, monosodium glutamate respectively right amount,Sugar 1 soupspoon。

番茄炒蛋的英文是fried eggs with tomatoes或者Scrambledeggswithtomatoes例句How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes Scrambled egg with tomato is a homecooked food, it both delicious and easy to do怎样。

鸡蛋英文读法是eɡ鸡蛋的英文是egg,其英标是eɡ,可以根据音标拼读即可相关例句I got a delivery of fresh eggs this morning今天早上我收到了一批新鲜鸡蛋相关例句鸡蛋容易烹煮,怎么做着吃都行Eggs。



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