

guess 英ges 美ɡ#603svt 推测 猜测猜灯谜用英语怎么说,臆测 猜中 假定猜灯谜用英语怎么说,认为vi 猜猜灯谜用英语怎么说,猜测 猜对n 猜测 推断riddle 英#712r#618dl 美#712r#618dln 谜语 粗筛 猜不透猜灯谜用英语怎么说的难题,难解之。

猜灯谜的英文 Guess riddles 猜灯谜的缘由 猜灯谜是中国独有的富有民族风格的一种传统民俗文娱活动形式,是从古代就开始流传的元宵节特色活动每逢农历正月十五,中国民间都要挂起彩灯,燃放焰火,后来有好事者把谜语写在纸条。

3猜灯谜Lantern riddles Solving riddles on lanterns has been a popular tradition since the Song Dynasty People write riddles on paper and stick them to the lanterns and if someone guesses correctly, they can。


翻译成英文On the fifteenth day of the first month, people set off firecrackers to guess lantern riddles to celebrate the Lantern Festival。

英文quotGuessing lantern riddlesquot, also known as quotplaying lantern riddlesquot, is an added activity after the Lantern Festival, which appeared in the song dynasty During the southern song dynasty, the capital of。

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