

1、1does, school, how, go, usually, to, Mike ?How does Mike usually go to school?2the, the, in, do, children, in, get, when, up, morning ?When do the children get up in the morning?3going;1, Where there is water, there is life2 I must work harder in order to catch up with the others3 He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately4 The more I speak English, the better I#39ll;将句子中的各个部分按照连词的要求进行连接例如,使用and连接两个并列的主语或谓语,使用but连接对比的两个部分,使用if连接条件句等等注意句子的语序和标点符号的使用,确保句子表达清晰连贯 英语连词成句句型I am。

2、1I miss my family from time to time翻译我时常想念我的家人解析本句为陈述句,基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的首先找到人称代词I ,然后找动词miss,my family可以组成短语,time to time也可以组成时间;2 You must return them on time你必须按时归还连词成句英语他们3 It#39s so difficult and boring , sometimes I don#39t like it very much 它是如此的难和泛味,有时我非常不喜欢它4 I #39m sure that selling fried;英语连词成句六步口诀 一疑问句很简单,特殊疑问置句首 二接下来,be 助情,放在主语后,疑问句后要提前 三看到陈述句,就把主语放句首 四谓语动词很简单,习惯用语要记牢 五地点时间都;英语连词成句顺口溜或者技巧如下1首先让做题者判断句子是陈述句还是问句如果是陈述句,就要在给出的单词中找出主语,比如I,you,she,he,it,they,this,that,these,those,there等,把它放在第一位,然后再去;英语连词成句六步口诀如下连词成句很简单,首先要把句末看句末符号要注意,一个问来一个句疑问句怎么连,特殊疑问放最前be助情跟着找,主语千万别忘连词成句英语了一连词介绍 1连词conj conjunction是一种虚词;连词成句They marry for twenty years by next year到明年他们就结婚二十年了此题考查的是连词成句的方法,完成连词成句这类题型,只需要掌握以下4步第一步看清标点符号 首先应该看清楚,这句子是问句还是陈;1People like to perform dragon and lion dances during Spring Festival 人们喜欢在春节舞龙,舞狮 2They always go to church on Sundays 他们总是在周日去做礼拜 3Some people are putting up lanterns to celebrate。

3、1would you like go to skating with me 你想和我一起去溜冰吗 2it‘s time to have supper 是时候吃晚饭了 3do you mind sharing the same room with me 你介意和我住同一间房子吗 4please,offe;你好 把这些英语单词连词成句, 组成的英语句子如下 The company will offer you a good job 它的意思是, 这家公司会给你提供一份好的工作the是定冠词, 用在名词前表示特指, 这里特指某个公司offer可以做动词;1 I,go,my,have,bed,I,finished,work,after,to,will I will go to bed after I have finished my work2 be,the,widely,computer,future,used,will,in The computer will be widely use in future3 time;1want,the,see,lions,we,to,cute,they,because,are We want to see the lions because they are cute我们要看狮子,因为它们很可爱2do,why,like,koalas,they,Why do they like koalas?他们为什么喜欢无尾熊3。


4、1 Come and look at my new house 来看看我的新房子2 Where is the trash bin? 垃圾桶在哪?3 I have my own room now 现在我有我自己的房间了4 Ther is a dog behind the curtain 窗帘后有一只;1When is your father#39s birthday?你父亲什么时候生日?2Don#39t eeat lots of chocolate不要吃太多巧克力3You should brush your teeth twice a day你应该每天刷牙两次4The pat needs doctor and go to hospit;小学英语从三年级到四年级,出现了一种新的题型连词成句,这种题型很好的测试了学生对语言运用的掌握,这跟小学语文中的连词成句有着异曲同工之妙下面是本人收集整理的一些英语的连词成句方法,大家一起来看看吧! 1如果是句号,则;1, Swimming is fun, it makes you strong and healthy 游泳很有趣,它使你健壮和健康2 Swimmingsuit can not be too big or too small 游泳衣不能太大也不能太小。



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