

1、好消息 hǎoxiāoxi good word附带告诉好消息用英语怎么说你一个好消息Incidentally好消息用英语怎么说, here’s a good piece of news这好消息使我如释重负The good news has taken a load off my mind好消息用英语怎么说他把这个好消息转告了他的朋友He passed;应该选some pieces of good news good news 是好消息的意思,不能分开来使用而且pieces of前面只能加冠词,不能加形容词例句There are some pieces of good news today今天有几条好消息其实several pieces of;特大好消息 Great news 好消息 词典hot wire电影Good NewsVon Kolporteuren,toten Hunden und anderen Wienern例句他把这个好消息转告了他的朋友He passed on the good news to his friends。


2、I have a good news and a bad onewhich one do you like?~~希望对你有所帮助,望采纳~~~;没有消息就是好消息 no news is good news 例句1众所周知,没有消息就是好消息As we all know, no news is good news 2没有不过我认为没有消息就是好消息No, but I suppose no news is good news;我为大家带来了关于好消息的英语作文,希望大家喜欢关于好消息的英语作文一 My classmate told me that our teacher would see me I was very nervous Our teacher would see some other students, too We;three good news 呵呵,就这么简单例如I#39ve got three good news for you 我在加州;没有消息就是好消息 no news is good news 自从我儿子两个星期前去纽约以来,我没有得到他的任何消息,不过 没有消息就是好消息 I haven#39t heard from my son since he went to New York two weeks ago, but;“坏消息才有销路”“只要能见红,就能上头条”“无事发生,那算是好事好新闻好新闻应指正能量,却不能算是新闻”那些是晚间广播和早间报纸的经典法则但既然信息正以各种不同的方式被传播关注,研究人员;that#39s good news for you news为不可数名词,不能加a 的。

3、I#39ll look forward to your good news,and could you give me a satisfactory answer;补充说明=== 通常在英文书信中对外国客人表达希望他们能给我们传来好消息,这种正规用法就是 Looking forward to hearing good news from you 期待听到您带给我们好消息;期待你的好消息翻译Look forward to your good news期待你的行动翻译Look forward to your action!词汇解析1look forward to 英 luk #712f#596w#601d tu 美 l#650k #712f;“我有一个好消息和一个坏消息”的英语是I have a piece of good news and a piece of bad news一news 英 nju#720z, nu#720zn 新闻消息 短语1announce the news发布新闻 2astonish。

4、a piece of good news news 是不可数名词,用a piece of 修饰。



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