

In modern society 英文发音#618n #712m#594dn s#601#712sa#618#601ti中文释义现代社会在现代社会在现代社会中 例句In modern society, economic development relies on the coact betwe;我汗了,中文可以说今天当今社会英语的社会,但是翻译成英文是不能说today#39s society的,这要是说给外国人听对方是听不懂的正确的应该是当今的社会,今天的社会这种说法只有中国人能懂,但其实都是不标准的,当今社会英语你看新闻绝对不会听到。

With the development of the society nowadays,the people#39s life are becoming more and more richer诚心解答,请给好评,谢谢~;在日益发展的当今社会 英文翻译In today#39s growing society 语法说明介词+名词,构成介宾结构today#39s和growing作society的定语重点词汇解释growing #712gr#601#650#618#331 美 #712gro#。

问题三如今的社会 用英语怎么说 Today#39s society or nowadays,in our society,问题四当今社会用英语怎么说 the current society 问题五“社会各界”用英语怎么说 社会各界 all sectors of society This was the。


1、一society 读法 英 s#601#712sa#618#601ti 美 s#601#712sa#618#618ti1作名词的意思是社会社团上流社会社群 2作形容词的意思是上流社会的,社交界的 二短语1。

2、问题一当今社会 用英语翻译 in today#39s society, Nowdays, in today#39s world 问题二在现代社会---英语怎么说 现代社会的英文就是 In modern society或者是in contemporary society,这不是中国英文,我在学校写。

3、问题二当今社会用英语怎么说 the current society 问题三如今用英语怎么说 您好,翻译为 nowadays 希望帮助你 问题四当今备受关注用英语怎么说 sth got a lot of attention at presentrecently或 sthbe。

4、the current society 当然可以用,就是用这个。

5、In today#39s society, globalization become an unstoppable trend I think that globalization is good Economic globalization, countries can make full use of their advantages, solidarity and cooperation, realize common。

6、现如今社会不断发展 翻译为英文The society is developing nowadays主要词汇1, society 英s#601#712sa#618#601ti 美s#601#712sa#618#618tin 社会 社团 上流社会 社群。

7、社会是在特定环境下共同生活的同一物种不同个体长久形成的彼此相依的一种存在状态那么,你知道社会的英语怎么说吗?社会的英文释义society public act public laici socioeconomic world 社会的英文例句在旧社会,贵族们。


1、急急急怎样用英语翻译”当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选择理想的职业的要求也越来越高”谢谢了 nowadays, the petitions are being harder and harder and the standards of jobs are higher and higher and。

2、50years in the future, we will have a better lifestyle No more poor people can be found in the world Imagine that everyone has enough food and clothes Everyone has a job and they can earn enough。

3、当今社会很多人处于亚健康状态!的英文表达为Nowadays,many people are in subhealthsubhealth 英s#652b helθ 美s#652b helθ网络 亚健康亚健康状态亚康健亚安康次提出亚健康例。


4、In modern society, with the continuous development of science and technology, the competition of all the industry is increasingly fierce, whether stateowned enterprises or private enterprises, there is competition。



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