

3劳逸结合,直译是,只学习不玩,使Jack 成为傻孩子All work,no play makes jack a dull boy 4眼见为实seeing is believing 你指定写错了 5健康是财富Health is wealth 6说劳逸结合用英语怎么说的容易,做的难Easier said than done 7劳逸结合用英语怎么说;All work no play makes Jack a dull boy劳逸结合Out of sight, out of mind眼不见,心不烦A good beginning makes a good ending好的开始预示著好的结尾Well begun is half done好的开始是成功的一半。


这句话没问题 As for English learning, it#39s desirable to strike a balance between study and rest Only in this way will it be benificial to personal developmentit 指代to strike a balance between study;Fatigue and Rest Scientists have made an interesting experiment about fatigueWhen a muscle in the body works, it produces lactic acid, and it is this lactic that makes the muscle tiredFatigue is not just。

翻译不会呀谢谢帮忙劳逸结合用英语怎么说!解析劳逸 work and rest 他们做到劳逸结合They struck a proper balance beeen work and leisure在特定假期计划时,务必要注意劳逸结合In drawing up a plan for your vacation,be sure to。


1、As a middle school student,I think healthy habits are very important to us we should keep a balanced diet to eat more vegetables and less meat is good for us we should get up and go to bed on。

2、They should be a reasonable allocation of learning, exercise, and rest time, should rest, to improve the relationship between teachers。

3、The principal should create a good campus environment, lets the student in a comfortable environment in which to learn, to enable students to do any work, but also to listen to the voice of students。


4、Dear teachers, hello Can I feel very honored to participate in this interview, I hope I can make a good performance today Now, allow me to introduce myself, please Personal information my name is。

5、How I Kill My Spare Time As a school student,it is importent for us to make a good scheduleFirst we shoud have good sleeping,good having and good playing in our daily lifeBecause it is the。

6、1Studying or playing too much are all inappropriate We#39d better strike a proper balance between work and leisure, and then we can get twice the result with half the the family reunion。

7、Reasonable to arrange a time to participate actively in sports, learn to communicate with fellow students, in consultation with parents, good work and rest。


批注一种“劳逸结合”的有趣说法8 Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance 无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表批注“金玉其外,败絮其中”的有趣说法,非常形象生动9 More hasty。

劳逸 work and rest 他们做到劳逸结合They struck a proper balance between work and leisure在特定假期计划时,务必要注意劳逸结合In drawing up a plan for your vacation,be sure to strike a balance between y。

2Cut back on electronics减少玩电子产品3Take notes and focus clearly做好笔记,重点清晰4Good environment良好的环境5Strengthen exercise 加强运动6Combine work and rest劳逸结合好习惯的意义。

你好翻译结果参考如下The following is the learning method of Chen Yangxin, the top student in the 2002 senior high school entrance examination of our school First, before going to bed at night, review the。



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