

1、关于买东西的英语对话一 A Pardon me Could you help me?B Of course How can I help you?A I am looking for a sweaterB What size do you wear?A Medium, I thinkB Here How do you li。

2、关于购物英语情景对话篇一 S Good afternoon, ma#39am Can I help you find an hing?店员午安,小姐要我帮你找东西吗?C No, thanks I#39m just looking顾客不用,谢谢,我只是看看而已S We have。

3、1ALucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?BI want to go to the supermarket 我想去超级市场AWait a few minutes and I#39ll go there with you 请等一下,我和你一道去BLet#39s get a s。


5、\x0d\x0aBLet#39s get a shopping cart 我们去拿一辆手推车吧\x0d\x0aAGood ideaA 好主意\x0d\x0aBWhat are you going to buy? 你要买什么?\x0d\x0aALet#39s check out the fruit section。

6、关于购物英文小对话带翻译一 A I think I prefer the blue one if itrsquos not too much trouble如果不太麻烦的话,我想要那件蓝色的BNot at all Irsquoll get it for you Here you are。


7、关于购物英语对话短文篇1 AHow about we go to the flea market today?我们今天去跳蚤市场怎么样?JGreat I have long been looking forward to there太好了,我盼望去那里很久了AMe, too There are so。

8、购物常用的英语口语情景对话1 A Good morning! What can I do for you? 早上好!有什么我可以为您做的吗? B Just looking 我只是看看 A OK! Go ahead 好的,请随便看 A Good afternoon! May I help you。

9、11 Do you have any on sale? 你们有什么特卖品吗?12 Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants?你们有纯棉的裤子吗?4购物英语口语的情景对话 A Good afternoon, miss, can I help you?B Yes, I’d like。

10、1ALucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aBI want to go to the supermarket 我想去超级市场\x0d\x0aAWait a few minutes and I#39ll go there with you 请等一下。

11、一段关于购物的英文对话MayWhat sort of shopping mall is nearby, Mr Taylor?泰勒先生,附近有什么购物中心?JohnCall me John This is a great area of the city for shoppingThere#39s a grocery store just。

12、下面是一些有关购物的情景的对话,供您参考1MayCan I help you?2您想买点什么?2Are you looking forsomething particular?您需要什么东西?3We have a clearancesale today我们今天清仓大处理4The price will。

13、超市 购物英语 对话1 顾客We need to buy some beer too Where is the beer?我们想要购买一些啤酒,哪里有啤酒?顾客Excuse me Do you sell vegetables here?请问你们卖蔬菜吗?店员Yes, we do They#39re。

14、1 AExcuse me, sir, this is the express checkout lane for people that have fifteen items or fewer It looks like you have more than fifteen items there先生,很抱歉这是为购物15件或少于15件而设的绿色。

15、A售货员 B你 ADear Sir what can I do for you?先生我能帮你什么吗BI’d like to buy a jacket我需要买一件夹克AOkay,this way pleaseHow about this one?好的,请这边走,这件怎样。



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