

篇一My New Year`s Resolutions Well新年计划英语作文初二, New Year`s Day is coming Do you want to know what I am going to do next year新年计划英语作文初二? I am going to leave my home for Xiamen with my family We are going;My new year#39s resolution is difficult to achieve新年计划英语作文初二我的新年决心很难完成First of all, I want to study hard because I want to get good grades首先,我要努力学习,因为我想取得好成绩Math is not very good;译文新的一年,新的开始,当我站在新的一年的边缘,我不禁想到我明年的计划正如那句老话好的开始是成功的一半所以我决定我应该在工作,而其新年计划英语作文初二他人仍然在放松,然后,在一开始,我比其他人更快,当然我会得到比其他;新年决心英语作文如下A new year, a new beginning, when I stand on the edge of the new year, I can#39t help but think about the plan for the next year as beforeWell said a good start is half the;关于新年决心的英语作文初二带翻译内容New year#39s Resolution 新年决心 I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal。

新年决心英语作文初二带翻译作文如下In the new year I want to get a better magic in the results of culture class, including making up my shortcomings and being able to maintain my scores in other subjects;Do a New year#39s plan,make a advise,to your speakingWhat#39s the way of health was important新年计划英语作文初二?做一个新年计划,提一些建议,并且说说对你来说,什么是最重要的健康的方法What’s your New Year#39s exercise;The new year is coming I#39ve made a resolution I decided to help out when my parents do the housework Such as cleaning the house, sweeping the floor, make the bedrooms Of course, I#39m going to;英语作文春节的计划篇1 The mountain is covered with trees, it is like a huge jasper A breeze, sent strands of Qinren heart fragrance Unconsciously, plum blossom mountain to the Suddenly the mountains and;新年计划 plan for the new year a new year has comein order to have a fruitful year,i make a plan for itfirstly,i must study hard as much as possibleafter all,study is the most important for me;My plan for a new year I am just a child, a tiny potatoI do what they ask me to do, though I don#39t like this I just want to finish my job, and do something for myself Thus I want to;we are going to come back to our homeWe will have a good time there How about yours? What are you going to do next year?我的新年计划 哦,新年即将来临你想知道我明年打算做什么吗?我将要和家人离开家。


热闹的春节马上就要到了,你有什么好的计划吗下面是由我为大家整理的“我的春节计划英语作文”欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助篇一我的春节计划英语作文 The Spring Festival is coming soon, I feel so;2假期计划MySpringFestival Last year’s Spring Festival is special My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them And it was the most;Plan for the New Year A new year has come In order to have a fruitful year, I make a plan for it Firstly, I must study hard as much as possible After all, study is the most important for me。



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