

在英语竞赛中一等奖的英文,我获得一等奖的翻译是In the English competition, I won the first prize;您好您可以说fist award来表示一等奖,可以说I won the first prize;“听说一等奖的英文你在中学生英语歌咏比赛中获得一等奖,我非常高兴”用英文写为I#39m very happy to hear that you won the first prize in the English singing contest for middle school students;要加the get the first prize 获得第一名,first 序数词,前面+特指定冠词 the 其余的说法还有 to bethe top one to be the champion get the first place win the first prize 个人见解,希望能够帮助到;certificate of merit 英文发音s#601#712t#618f#618k#601t #594v #712mer#618t中文释义成绩优异奖状,奖状,立功奖状 例句What does a participant gain from the Mathematical;汉语里没有“一重”“二重”的说法,而是“一等”“二等quot一等奖 firstclass award二等奖 secondclass award特别奖 special award 追问 不,我的意思是,满足条件A,能获得一重奖励,同时满足条件A和B,能获得二重奖励,再满足条件C;The first prize, second prize, third prize, and the honorable mention。

问问我建筑人才给你分享新鲜咨询 对于以学习为主任的应届生而言,在校期间的获奖情况,无疑会成为简历中的加分项我整理了20个最常见的奖项名称英文翻译,送给正在写英文简历双语简历的你。


the first prize of national natural science “俊狼猎英”团队为您解答,欢迎追问;你好,汉译英主要分为直译与异译,下面两种翻译都是大众习惯的quotwon first prize in the school #39Teaching Excellence Award#39 gamequot或者quotWon the #39 outstanding teaching Award #39 competition, first prizequot希望对你有所;一等奖的英文他在英语竞赛中获得第一名,他应该为自己感到骄傲的英文为He won the first prize in the English contest He should be proud of himself prize奖品,战利品 first prize一等奖 contest比赛,竞赛 proud自豪的。

XX省高中化学竞赛MM市一等奖 The First Prize of Senior High School Chemistry Contest MM city, XX Province 第N届全国中学生物理竞赛XX省二等奖 The Second Prize of The Nth National Middle School Students Physics。


