

1、英语写作中,表达“在我看来”常用说法1In my opinion在我看来其中opinion意见主张当想发表自己在我看来英文的意见和看法时可以先说“In my opinion”之后再阐述自己的观点2I think表达意见最常用最普遍的方式。

2、1 in my opinion 2 as for me 3 as far as i am concerned 4 in my view 以上都是在我看来的意思,应该还有其他说法,不过我能想到的就只有这么多在我看来英文了,希望能帮到你。

3、在我看来,是官员们煽动了这场争斗4From my point of view 英 fr#601m ma#618 p#596#618nt #594v vju#720 美 fr#601m ma#618 p#596#618nt #601v vju#720。

4、在我看来 词典 in my opinion as far as I#39m concerned例句在我看来你妻子是一个浅薄的女人,幸好你离开了她It seems to me your wife was a shallow woman and you#39re well rid of her。

5、在我看来这种态度过于大惊小怪问题四“在我看来”用英语有那些表达方法 in my opinion 这是最标准的表达 丁可以说according to my point 问题五在我看来 用英文怎么说 in my opinion, in my view, in。



7、Personally,I thinkI#39d say thatAs I see itI thinkbelievefeel thatIt seems to me thatIn my opinionAs far as I am concernedThe point I#39m making isI#39d like to。

8、opinion作“舆论”解时,是不可数名词3opinion有词组in one’s opinion,属于正式的用法,表示在某人看来属于正式英语的结构还有of the opinion that , of the same opinion以及I am of your opinion等。

9、例句I reckon it#39s going to rain我觉得天要下雨了How much do you reckon that it#39s going to cost?你认为这会花多少钱3as far as I#39m concerned 依我看,在我看来 英文解释是in a particular。

10、简单的说就是在我看来,in my opinionfrom my point of view。

11、1In my opinion 2In my point of view 3according to my point 4Personally,I think5I suppose that, 例句1Well he#39s not making a very good job of it in my opinion然而,在我看来。

12、在我看来,这件衣服不适合你 翻译成英文是In my opinion, this dress doesn#39t suit you相关短语学习in my opinion 英in mai #601#712pinj#601n 美#618n ma#618 #601#712p#61。

13、依我看来词典in my opinion例句依我看来,我们应该等他们到了,我们在出发In my opinion, we shall go there by the time they arrive。

14、1 要表示 in my opinion 在我看来在我眼里, 是 in my eyes 复数当然,你可说 to my eye 单数2 “我们追得女孩 英文是 you#39re the apple of my eyes”此说不对因为 the apple。

15、回答In my view,mental health is as significant as physical health 纯手工翻译,望采纳。

16、在他看来,委员会仍然是一个没有实权不起作用的机构In her view, war is simply a legalised form of butchery在她看来,战争只不过是一种合法化的屠杀In my eyes, he is right 在我看来,他是对的 In my。

17、“很好,我觉得很棒”的英文表达可以为Very good,I think it#39s great其中,I think可以替换为 I feel我认为 in my opinion介词短语,表示为在我看来in my view介词短语,表示为在我看来great可以。

18、In my eyes ,the most important is to have a healthy bodyIn my mind ,the most important is to have a healthy bodyIn my view,it is the most important thing to have a healthy bodyIn my opinion。



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