

1、搞那么高端干嘛,悬壶济世就是治病救人救人英语的意思 cure the sickness to save the patient;10救人一命胜造七级浮屠save a life better than build a sevenstoried pagoda11病人之病,忧人之忧the sick of the sick, the sorrow of sorrow12千里送鹅毛,物轻礼重thousands of miles to send;问题一救命英语怎么说 救命 jiù mìng释义 help save *** #39s life救人性命 Help!呼救声 电影 Koma例句快来人救命啊Somebody get some help!问题二救命英语怎么写的 help me 问题。

2、One day, li Ming after dinner he took the dog for a walk, walk in the way, he saw many children were at play near the suddenly, he saw a child accidentally fell into the water, next to the children;3拼音是jiùzāi救_的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍一词语解释点此查看计划详细内容救灾jiùzāi1救济受灾的人民二国语词典救济以消除灾害词语翻译英语torelievedisaster,tohelp;Zhang dig dung selflessly selfsacrifice to save the elderly July 11, 1982, 69yearold old man Weitak, dig dig dung manure when he was septic tanks emit methane smoked down, fall into the septic;1 应该呼救,或者如果救人英语你会游泳,应立即跳入救人You should shout for help,or immediately jump into the river to save himher if you can swim2 应该打110 and 120 You should dial 110 and 120;有一天,一个小男孩在沙滩上,救人英语他看到有一个小孩溺水了,他赶紧跳下水去救人,最后那个人救上来了,翻译是One day, a little boy was on the beach, then, he saw a child drowning He jumped into the water to;消防员的英语单词是firefighter 1消防员介绍 消防员,政府或民间团体所成立的救灾救人团体成员消防员的职责主要为消灭火灾及救护服务,同时也参与其他救援工作消防员作为特殊的救护职业,需经过特殊的体能技能及心理素质的。


3、又是周末了,约翰去海滨渡周末当他躺在海滩上听音乐时,突然听到有人喊救命他立刻跳起来,向发出声音的方向望去看见一个小孩在远处的水里挥动着手臂他脱下衣服,很快跳进水里他游到那个小孩身边,托起他,把他;救命jiùmìng释义helpsaveslif救人性Help!呼救声电影Koma英语0基础自学方法记忆简单单词加强听力训练多做写作练习制定学习计划先学会音标口语练习学习英语语法听英文歌曲选择英语教材通过网络自学英语;go to resoue people 这么简单,偶小学生都知道,你英语得加油;连动式作谓语定语含褒义示例欧阳海烈士不惜自己生命,推出了铁轨上的惊马,避免了列车颠覆,这种舍己救人的英雄主义精神,永远值得我们学习他冲进火海救出了一个女孩,为我们树立了一个舍己救人的榜样英语risk。

4、She wouldn#39t stop short of stealing if she thought it would help her children如果她认为偷窃能救助她的子女,她也会毫不犹豫地去干的Without any hesitation, he jump into the river to save the drowne child;quot he persisted quotIt usually keeps the idiots like you out of medical school,quot replied the professor救人 在圣路易斯的一所医学院预科大学,学生必须修一门很难的物理课一天,教授正在探讨一个特别复杂的概念,一。



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