

I need much,just a smile you just;I wanted you to see me through it all 我的一切只要你了解就好 I wanted you to be the one I loved 我的情人只要是你就好 I wanted you, I wanted you 是你就好,是你就好 I wanted you to hold me in my。

If I were you,that would be fine;有你就好 英语是 having you is good enough 没见过这句话的字母缩写, 但 you 可以缩写为 U , good 可以缩写为G having U is G enough。

Is you这个比较难解释,根据前文的不同有很多,比如说is up to you,you#39re,you will,is you很多的;答案if only 例If only I had a memory of yours如果我有你的记忆力该多好呀!If only I had another chance要是我再有一次机会就好了此词组是虚拟语气,表达不可能实现的事情,或者对错过的事情表示遗憾。

Just once, just for life, just for you一次就好,一生就好,是你就好Everything comes to you in the right moment Be patient Be grateful每一样东西东西都会在对的时间出现,请怀着耐心和感恩去等待Want t;If you are here,everything will be fine 希望可以帮到您。


1、Thought you forgot that我翻得比较口语化,意思是“以为你忘了呢”,你代入语境试试,如果要正式一点的话,可以加个主语II thouht you forgot that。

2、你开心就好用英语说法是as long as you are happy或者是As you wish1As you wish除了表示“如你所愿”,在不同的语境下,这句话还可以指“随你便”“你开心就好”如在氛围非常好的情况下内容,“As you。

3、用于两人初次见面时的问候语,比较正式,一般是第3个人介绍初次见面的两个人后,初次见面的两个人后互相问候的正式语glad to meet you一般用于比较熟悉的人之间的问候,并不是初次见面翻译成见到你很高兴希望采纳。


4、talent!No more study to need 20090618 230008 补充 哇 你真系劲!唔洗温习 You are better off than me You don#39t have to revise for your exam 你就好啦英文系You are good 希望帮到你。


您好不清楚,但是好听的英文歌好多呢~~~本人学英语的推荐这些吧希望你能喜欢1BubblyColbie Caillat你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌2BurningMaria Arredondo3Happy丽安娜 刘易斯4Cry On My Shoulder。

我希望最后你是我的唯一you are the one 引用自注明歌曲Toni GonzagaYou are the One 部分歌词欣赏 you are the one That I#39ve been searching for my whole life through, you are the one you are the。

If I were you这里用虚拟语气,be动词只能用were。

If only you know how much I miss you ! If only 如果就好了。

“有你就好”英文如下It is good that you are参考资料莪的好记星翻译的。



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