

此外quot聚会quot 在英语中可以翻译为 quotgettogetherquot 或 quotgatheringquotquotgettogetherquot 是一个比较口语化的词语家庭聚会英语,通常用来形容小型的社交活动,例如朋友聚会家庭聚会等而 quotgatheringquot 则是一个更正式的词语,通常用来形容。

i am your friend ***,Our family will have a family party,so we have lots of interesting things to dosuch as playing PS4 ,playing computer gamesso i want you to come my family#39s partyI#39m sure。


外国人聚会 英语作文 50字 The foreigner#39s partyToday is foreigner#39s partySo nice party it is家庭聚会英语!We knew about some new friends,they are kindly,easy going guy,humour,and braveThey also speak very frequence English,they。

Today, my parents and i went shopping because of the coming of the Spring Festival in the evening, we came to a restaurant and we entered in There, we really had a very good time During the。

今天我和爸爸妈妈一起开家庭聚会,英语Today,i have a family part with my parents。

they will come home for the dinner2家庭聚会英语作文 Family means so much for me, I have a big family, because my mother and my father have many brothers and sisters Living in the big family, I。



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