

1、四新概念英语New Concept English作为享誉全球的最为经典地道的英语教材新概念英语答案,以其严密的体系性严谨的科学性,精湛的实用性,浓郁的趣味性深受英语学习者的青睐,新概念英语在中国有20多年的历史,每年有数百万学。

2、tomorrow, too6 Yes, and she will telephone him tomorrow, too7 Yes, and he will have a shave tomorrow, too8 Yes, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow, too参考资料新概念英语自学导读1。

3、答案如下Though the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment ,she entered an expensive shop and asked to see a dress that was in the windowOn being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the。

4、1I must call the doctor He must call the doctor情态动词后动词为原形2I am going to telephone him He is going to telephone him3I can go with herhe can go with herCAN是情态动词,后面。

5、新概念英语第二册多项选择题Lesson12答案解析 1 c 根据课文第34行Topsail is a famous little boat It has sailed across the Atlantic many times, 只有c能够说明为什么Topsail is famous ,而其新概念英语答案他3个选择都不符合逻辑 2。

6、1c 根据课文第一句和最后一句Once a year,a race is held for old carsIt was very different from modern car races but no less exciting 可以推测只有cAll the cars were old 是汽车比赛不寻常之处,其他3个。


7、The stranger swam away and I never saw his face I was sorry that I wasn#39t able to thank him or her, the person who saved my life参考答案 html。

8、1 Did he find his pen a minute ago新概念英语答案? He didn#39t find his pen a minute ago2 Did he get a new television last week? He didn#39t get a new television last week3 Did you hear the news on the radio。

9、意义相符a without breath 不是固定短语b breathing 呼吸不合乎题目意思d coughing 咳嗽更不符合题目意思,所以c是正确答案呵呵,希望可以帮到你,有不懂的还可以问新概念英语答案我^^。

10、or I will go to the is either alive or my aunt or my uncle speaks EnglishB 1clearly 2sadly 3carefully 4quickly 5slowly 我只有这么多答案,其它的自己写吧。

11、答案Lesson 86 A 1 She has just boiled an egg3 She has never been to China, but he was there in 19924 He has already painted that bookcase7 He has just dusted the cupboardB 1 I#39ve already。

12、终于从我家书柜上倒腾出来新概念第一册了要选我啊~~1Has he met MrsJones yet?Yes,he has already met did he meet MrsJones?He met her two weeks ago2Has the boss left yet?Yes。

13、作文答案参考The appearance of the six competitors won a very warm welcome among the spectatorsThey are all very fat and high with smiles on their faces, standing on the platform and waving to the audience。

14、1 I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday2 I refuse to comment on his work3 The waiter’s tip is included in the bill4 He congratulated me on having got engaged5 This warm coat。

15、1 It is raining now It rained yesterday2 It is snowing now It snowed yesterday3 He is boiling some eggs He boiled some yesterday4 We are enjoying our lunch We enjoyed it yesterday, tooB 1。



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