

1、范文Dear Man,I’m a tiger in the northeast of ChinaI’d like to have a talk with youWe lived in the forest happily for thousands of years,and then you came!And now we are in dangerYou cut。

2、美好的一天 A Wonderful Day Yesterday, my mother told me that we were going to visit my grandparents, I was so happy to hear that I was raised by my grandparents most of the time until I was at the。

3、My nice day It a fine day,I got up very early ,I had a breadfasd at 7 o#39clock,after the meal My friends came to see methey want me to see film to go out ,I#39d like to go there ,toowe。

4、We went out yesterday The sun was shining and we went to DongPing National Forest Park We got there Wow! There were many beautiful little umbrellas here How beautiful!We liked these beautiful little。

5、A Wonderful Day Yesterday, my mother told me that we were going to visit my grandparents, I was so happy to hear that I was raised by my grandparents most of the time until I was at the age of 7。

6、A Nice day Today is Saturday I don#39t have to go to school, I can restI get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven After breakfast, I do my homework Then I go to the park。



8、We were all fell tired,but we were very happy!It was great fun!春节,我有一个美好的假期我和我的朋友去了公园我们八点钟在学校门口见面我们骑自行车去了公园这是美好的一天我们坐在一棵大树下,互相聊天。


10、他很高兴地拥抱我,外婆已经在饭桌上等着了,她煮了很多菜,我喜欢吃她煮的菜,很美味我跟他们说了很 多我在学校的事,他们喜欢听我讲时间过得很快,我要回家了,我答应我很快就会来看他们,今天真是美好的一天。


12、翻译美好的一天 小学三年级作文 作者苏宇峰 今天,秋高气爽风和日丽,秋风吹在身上暖洋洋的,很舒服一大早,我就穿好了校服,戴好了红领巾,一吃完早饭就急匆匆往学校赶我们要去参加“2014闵行区首届校本文化。

13、每一天都是美好的o我觉得我的生日是最最美好的一天o 一天,我一回家,就发现摆在桌上的quot肯得基爷爷quot,他的笑容还是那么慈祥o我非常诧异,问妈妈quot今天怎么吃肯得基?不是在特殊日子才吃吗?你忘了,今天是你的生日呀。

14、A Nice day Today is Saturday I dont have to go to school, I can rest Iget up atseven ,I eat breakfast at half past seven After breakfast, I do my homework Then I go to the park to play。

15、Have you got a healthy body?If your answer is‘not#39,I think I can help youYou must have a good living habit,for example,get up early in the morning,go to bed early in the eveingThen,you should。

16、A Nice day Today is Saturday I don#39t have to go to school, I can restI get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven After breakfast, I do my homework Then I go to the park to。

17、On sunday,I went to the zoo with my parents,we wentthere by he subwaythere a lot of people in the zoo, Also ha a lot ofchildrenin the zoo we saw the animal shows,there have elephants, monkeys。



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