

1、关于朋友之间的英语对话一 JimmySusan, you#39ve been very quiet lately What#39s on your mind?苏珊,你最近很安静你在想什么?SusanOh, I#39m worried about taking my driving test噢,我在担心我的驾照考试。

2、Can I offer you a drink?, 英文会话, 英文会话 交谈, 英文会话 人际对话, 英文会话 公共场所, 英文会话 公开场合, 英文会话 问句, 英文会话 常用问句, 英文会话 旅游, 英文会话 称赞, 英文会话 赞美。

3、1Hey, Linda! What a coincidence to meet you here! This is my friend, Joanne Joanne, this is my colleague, Linda嘿,琳达在这里遇见你真巧这是我朋友,Joanne乔安妮,这是我的同事,乔安妮2Jerry。

4、是的,她是我的朋友茱莉亚SCan you introduce her to me?你能介绍她给我认识吗?AOf course Hello, Julia, e and meet Steven当然你好,茱莉亚,过来认识一下史蒂文JHello, Steven, nice to meet you。

5、AI’m an English teacher 我是个英文老师QWhere did you go? 你去了哪里AI went shopping with a friend 我和一个朋友去购物QWhat did you buy? 你买了什么AWe bought some new clothes on。

6、初次见面,认识新朋友英语自我介绍76 What’s your name?你叫什么名字77 My name is Jones我姓琼斯78 What’s your first name?你的名字叫什么79 My first name is Bill我的名字叫比尔80 How。

7、I have a good friend She is a pretty girl She lives in Jiujiang She is a middle school student She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face She is tall and thin She。

8、介绍朋友的5句话简单英语如下My friend is very humorous我的朋友很幽默风趣My friend is the same age as me我的朋友跟我一样的年龄My friend is thin, tall and handsome我的朋友瘦瘦高高的,长相很帅气。

9、AGood morning , B B Good morning How are you? A I #39m fine Thank you And you ? B Fine Thank you A let me introduce my friend C to you B Nice to meet you C Nice to meet。

10、在一个聚会上,你向朋友介绍一个新朋友 At a party, you introduce a new friend to a friend在一个聚会上,你向朋友介绍一个新朋友 At a party, you introduce a new friend to a friend。

11、下面是我整理的朋友英语小对话,希望对大家有帮助朋友英语小对话一M HiLong time no seehow is everything going?FVery wellAnd you?MThe same as youAnd It has been a year since we started our。


12、用英语介绍朋友的一段话如下1This is my friendHis name is Tom He has two big eyes and a small nose He has a bigmouth and two small earsHe likes eating beef,chicken,hamburger, pizza, pork and。

13、Hi,XX你朋友名字This is my friend XX你新朋友名字Hi XX 你朋友名字,let me introduce my friend XX你新朋友名字 to you 希望帮到你哦。

14、用英语介绍朋友,不少于三句话,那很简单第一句 This is my good friend, Mark 这是我的好朋友,Mark第二句 He and I are in the same class,Class 1, Grade 3 他和我都在三年级1班。

15、1For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry若要苗条的身材,把你的食物分给饥饿的人2For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day美丽的秀发,在于每天有孩子。



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