

怎么了的英文是1what#39s wrong读音英 w#594ts r#594#331怎么了英文,美 hwɑts r#596#720#3312what#39s up读音英#716w#594ts #712#652p,美#716w#594ts。

1What is wrong with you2What#x27s up怎么了英文?3What happened to you?4What#x27s the matter with you。

怎么了用英语表达为What#39s the matter或是what#39s wrong,读音为w#594ts #240#601 #240i #240i#720 #712m#230t#601r,w#594ts r#596#720#331重点。

怎么了的英文 1 怎么了?我们通常用what sup或what swing事实上,还有很多类似的表达 2 例如,事情是怎样的,发生了什么,发生了什么,你有什么新发现,或者直接有什么新发现 3怎么了?ldquo什么怎么回事?rdquo。

口语化点的就是what#39s up~mate~比较针对的可以说what#39s wrong?对于事件的可以问wht happened?澳洲或者美国说的比较多的口头化的 how#39s goin#39 dude~。

What#39s the matter?I got a cold怎么了我感冒了What#39s the matter?I have a sore throat怎么了我喉咙痛What#39s the matter?I have diarrhea怎么了我拉肚子What#39s the matter?I don#39t。


你好,请你参考我的翻译1怎么了 what#39s up这个不是问怎么样,切记what#39s happening what hashappened what seems to occur 2 怎么办 what can i do what to do how can i deal with it 3怎么样 how。

什么情况的英文翻译是What#39s up词汇分析释义怎么了,发生什么啦近来如何。

quot你怎么了quot的英语是What#39s wrong with youquot你怎么了quot用英语还可以表达为1What is wrong with you2Is that what you got3What happened to you4What#39s the matter with you在“What#39s。

What#39s the matter?What#39s wrong?What happened?这三种讲法都是“怎么了,有什么事吗,发生什么事情了吗”的意思,楼主可以任意选择使用^__^。

What happened 础o them? 询问怎么了英文他们发生了什么以上句子都是同义句,可以根据情况选用,也可以相互替换you, him, them公益慈善翻译团真诚为你解答问题二“怎么了英文他怎么样”的英文怎么说 How is he like?问题三。

你怎么了英文怎么说What about you What happened to you Are you all right What#39s wrong What#39s the matter What#39s wrong with you?这些都是,随便选一个你怎么了用英语怎么写What#39s your matter?英语你。

怎么了? 出什么问题了?英文两种形式1 What’s wrong? What happened?2 What’s up? Any problem。

现在地球上的动物怎么样了英文是How are the animals on the earth now表示怎么样的英语是how ha#650 ,它是副词,意为“如何怎样怎么多么多少”如果是见面表示问候的怎么样可以用“How#39s it going。

根据英语语法和表述,该两句话可如此翻译,译文如下你怎么了What#39s the matterwrong with you?我感冒了I havecatch a cold。



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