

提前 adv in advance提前英语, ahead of time, beforehand v shift to an earlier date, move up, bring forward, advance。

“提前”in advance 发音英 in #601d#712vɑns 美 #618n #230d#712v#230ns具体释义在前头 预先,事先 提前 先期 例句1The subject of the talk is announced a wee。

提前,指预计发生的事情在预计时间段之前提早发生下面就由我为大家带来关于提前的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获关于提前的相关短语 提前 ahead of schedule 提前 in advance 提前 ahead of time 提前 ahead of。

adv 在早期,在初期提早,提前 名 Early英厄尔利人名短语 Early Spring 早春图 早春 早春二月 烟花三月 Early Middle Ages 中世纪前期 Early Summer 初夏 同根词 词根 early nearliness。

这里的time属于抽象名词,前面不用冠词,即零冠词现象可以判定,A与B表达错误“提前”的英语地道表达法是ahead of time,而不是before time正确答案 C ahead of time。

提前可以用 move forward 但这用法有其他的意思 因为也有#39发展#39,#39前进#39之意 所以要小心用 举个例子 Our meeting has been moved forward two days意思是 我们的会面会议已提前提前英语了2天我想把我的预约提前I would。

to bring forward, to advance,move up,in advance, ahead of schedule, ahead of time, ahead of scheduled time, bring forward, ahead of time, put ahead还有很多,写不下提前英语了。

例句The country#39s election mission has advanced the date of parliamentary elections by three days该国的选举委员会将议会选举日期提前提前英语了3天英语quot提前进入社会quot怎么说提前英语? 英语quot提前进入社会quot step into society。

不能,应该是10 minutes to advance。

10 days in advance Tee time booking10 days in advance开球时间预订 提前10 天预订10 days early 不知道比预产期晚的话会是什么情况,因为我的两个女儿都提前10天到来了I don#39t know what it#39s like to。

leave in advance提前离开 话说,go ahead不是前进着手继续的意思吗顺手求解惑。

1早 Morning, betimes, earliness, early, good morning, rathe, soon, timely汉语 “早” 是多义词,所以英语对应不止一种名词 morning 副词 early 形容词 earlybeforehand 短语 in advance long ago 问候语。

I want to have a reservationbooking in advance我想提前预定reserve sth in advance提前预定book sth in advance同上 order sth in advance同上如果强调比原先安排的提前,可以用 ahead of schedule。

a little 这种表示程度的副词短语,修饰形容词副词介词短语时,要不都是前置的arrive a little early。


1They arrived here three days ahead of time2 We finished the task three days later than many days in advance have you fulfilled the task?4How do you feel about the girl? Take the。

We will try to dofinish it in advance因为to后面需要接一个动词,否则没办法接后面的短语提前in advance,所以加了一个do或者是finish,不知道对不对,呵呵。

Thank you for arranging my rendezvous time with b,would you please inform me the time and place of the meeting one day ahead ,thus I can arrange the content of our speech and coordinate the work Besi。



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