拔河的英语(拔河 英语怎么说)


1、拔河 tugofwartug of war例句与用法1 在拔河比赛中拔河的英语, 双方队员都拼命地拉In a tugofwar,the competitors pull as hard as they can2 拔河比赛中拔河的英语的最后一队运动员 The end of a tugofwar team。


3、cricket板球 cycling自行车 diving跳水 downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragonboat racing赛龙船 dressage盛装舞步 equestrian骑马 fencing击剑 figure skating花样滑冰 football英语。

4、由此可知,拔河比赛的意义,团队精神的耐力与协调力,要比蛮力来得重要 拔河的意义 拔河的英语名词Tug of War原意为尽最大的力量及努力来拉的意思很多学校及社区运动会和机关团体运动会,都可见到拔河比赛这个。


6、拔河的英语我们放风筝,拔河,拍照 We fly kites, play tugofwar and take photos过去式 We flew kites, played tugofwar and took photos。

7、The school festival arrives, the sports is going to come! A fierce tugofwar is going on in Grade Four!The players in the wide arena are rubbing their hands, as if itching to drag the opposite side。

8、星期二下午,拔河的英语我们一年级在操场上举行了拔河比赛,爸爸妈妈们也参加了这次活动On Tuesday afternoon, we had a tug of war competition in the playground in the first grade Parents also participated in the activity。

9、1羽毛球badminton, #712b#230dm#618nt#601n1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵, 在他的领地开游园会时,有几个从印度回来的退役军官就向大家介绍了一种隔网用拍子来回击打。

10、男子项目10米气手枪10米气步枪飞碟双向飞碟双多向25米手枪速射50米步枪卧射50米手枪50米步枪三姿飞碟多向 Men#39s events 10m air pistol, 10m air rifle, UFO bidirectional, Double Trap, 25m。

11、About Fencing Olympic sport since 1896Take the romantic, swashbuckling epics of Errol Flynn, add some rules, protective clothing and an electronic scoring system, and you have fencing at the Olympic Games。

拔河的英语(拔河 英语怎么说)

12、激烈的拔河比赛 校节到了,又要开运动会喽四年级展开了激烈异常的拔河比赛在宽阔的赛场上,选手们个个摩拳擦掌,好像恨不得一下子就把对方拽到自己面前来再看看围观的同学们,个个热血沸腾,好像也想参与其中拔河的英语我。

13、I don#39t know! Wait a minute will knowSpring is a beautiful season, issued the tender bud winter kind of small flowers, air is fresh, the sun rises lazy If you go to the streets to see people。


标签: 拔河的英语


