

Foresight That is work of waste and ruin Do as Charles and I are doing预见的英文!Strawberryblossoms预见的英文, one and all预见的英文,We must spare themhere are manyLook at itthe flower is small预见的英文,Small and low, though fair。

prophetic 英pr#601#712fet#618k 美pr#601#712f#603t#618kadj 预言的,先知的 先兆的例句这个不祥的警告很快证明是有预见性的This ominous warning soon proved prophetic。

预知英文有precognition foreknowledgeforesee predict prescience例句如下1A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn#39t predict was how much it was going to hurt when it。


quotWhatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act uponmust inevitably come to passquotquot您所清楚预见的热切渴望的真诚追求的全力付之行动的都会自然而然地实现quot。

v看参见看见见到 n主教或大主教教区主教或大主教权限牧座 网络看到看出明白 第三人称单数sees 现在分词seeing 过去式saw 过去分词seen 英文例句I see you, I see you! Don#39t。

happens 预料预见预知 pollutevto add dirty or harmful substances to land,air, water, etc so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use 污染弄脏 这里的每一个字都是我自己打的,望楼主采纳。

先人一着, 占先 v预订, 预见, 可以预料 从anticipate所组成的词组可以看出,anticipate是根据计算所作出的确切的预测和预算anticipate interest 结息期前预计利息 anticipate payment 先期付款 anticipated buying 预期购买。

“ 没想到 ”用英文该怎么说呢预见的英文?1did not see sth coming 这里的see我们不能理解成直观的“看”,而应该是一种“预测预见”某事会发生有说法说这个表达来自于拳击比赛,当对手出拳击打你的头部时,你就可以看到。




