

打开窗子英语表示为open the window打开窗户用英语怎么说,读音为英 #712#601#650p#601n #240#601 #712w#618nd#601#650打开窗户用英语怎么说,美 #712o#650p#601n #240#601 #712w#618ndo#650。

1Would you mind openning the window?2Would you mind my openning the window?3 Would you mind if I opened the window。


1窗户用英语说法是window,英 #712w#618nd#601#650 美 #712w#618ndo#6502复数 windows3例句Let me fire up another window 意思是让我再打开一个窗口Maximize。


开着窗户 网络 With the window open windows open例句夏天夜里很热,又热又静,尽管开着窗户,吹进来的风仍旧是热的The summer night was hot, so hot and still that through every opened window came。

我知道的只有一种open the Windows,please请打开窗户open the computer打开电脑笔记本电脑的盖子。

When the Lord closes one door, somewhere else he opens a window电影音乐之声是这么说的。

1要我打开窗子吗shall openshall me open the windows?2要不要我帮打开窗户用英语怎么说你搬一把椅子来好的麻烦了shall get shall me help you move a chair? yeah,i will trouble you 3你爸爸爸什么时候回来。



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