乘公交车英语(乘公交车英语怎么说 三种)


1、“坐公交车”用英语这样说by bus或者take a bus短语1乘公交车英语,多坐公交车 Multibus More sitting on the bus By bus2乘公交车英语,坐公交车观光 go sightseeing by bus3,回来坐公交车 Sit back the bus Bus。

2、乘公共汽车英语是by busbus是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,可以翻译为公共汽车巴士,等等例句The cheapest way to travel is by bus最便宜的旅行方式是坐公共汽车bus的用法1bus意为“公共汽车”。


4、quotTake the busquot是一个动词短语,意思是采取行动并选择乘坐公交车例如quotI usually take the bus to workquot我通常乘公交车上班quotBy busquot则是一个介词短语,表示通过某种交通方式例如I travel by busquot我。

5、quottake the busquot 表示乘坐公交车,强调的是行为动作 quotby busquot 表示以公交方式,强调的是交通工具双语例句 I usually take the bus to work every morning 我通常每天早上都乘公交车去上班 How do。

6、Does this bus stop at the square?这趟车在广场停吗?Where do I catch the bus to the zoo?去动物园的公交车在哪里乘坐?2How often does bus No 301 come?301路公交车多久一班?3How many stops are there。

7、My mother is a bus driver2绝大多数人都是搭乘摇摇晃晃的公交车或是步行But most take rickety public transport or walk3这是去图书馆的公交车吗Is this the bus to the library?4你正在等一辆公交车Y。

乘公交车英语(乘公交车英语怎么说 三种)

8、公交车的英文是bus,音标英 b#652s美 b#652s释义1n公共汽车巴士计算机系统的总线 The bus broke down on the way公共汽车在路上抛锚了2v用公共汽车运送用校车送学生往外区就读。

9、The woman respected the young man and didn#39t blame him in publicIn this way,she made him feeli ashamed and corrected his bad behaviorI think the woman is very smart乘公交车 今天下午,我乘公交车去看。

10、5 The longdistance bus ticket windows are over there 长途汽车售票窗口就在那边6 We#39ll go by train as far as London, and then take a coach 我们乘火车去伦敦,然后换乘公交车7 The coach will。

11、she gets to school by bus every day这里every和day分开,指时间状语拓展当every和day连着时,是形容词,指每日每天she takes the bus to school every day这是我们老师讲的,一定对望采纳。

12、当人们外出时可以乘公交车或汽车英语翻译When people go out, they can take buses or cars重点词汇释义人们people men the public humanity folk 外出out go out be out egress egression 可以。

13、2 知识 英语中常常用“by+交通工具名称”作为状语来表达交通方式,交通工具单词前不用任何冠词比如 by bus乘公交车,by plane乘飞机,by cab乘出租车,by bike骑自行车,by subway 乘地铁等等当然这种方式状语也可以。

14、这个句子有两种说法,我们可以借助take bus to the school和go to school by bus所以句子是He takes bus to the schoolHe goes to the school by bus。

15、词语用法1bus意为“公共汽车”,指的是一种大的,能装很多人的客车,是可数名词2bus前的介词可用by, in或on,但用by时其前不可用冠词change buses在英语中是“换车”的意思,bus用复数形式,其前不能用。



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