

My Daymyday英语作文myday英语作文的一天英语作文 篇1 I get up early at six every day After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes At seven I have breakfast After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school;My Day 我的一天I get up at 7am every SundayThen I have my breakfast with my parentsAt 8am I start to do my homeworkAt 10am,I have a restlater I have my lunchIn the afternoon,I spend a;my day英语作文 篇1 Hi! My name is Zhang Xiyin I#39m a girl I#39m a student It#39s 630 It#39s time to get up It#39s 700 It#39s tine for breakfast It#39s 715 It#39s time to go to school It#39s;以上就是作文栏目为您带来的myday英语作文50词,如果想要更多关于单元作文的讯息,请持续关注我们的作文栏目,谢谢大家篇一myday英语作文50词 Today is May Day My mother father and me went to park to ha;英语作文My Day范文一My Day Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 630 After breakfast I did my homework at homeIn the afternoon , I played football with my friends on our playgroud In t;My Day 1May first is a Sunday And it is the Labor’s Day My mother said to me “Open your eyesAnd look out of the window What a fine day! Let’s go to park,” So my mother, my clas。

My Day Today is May Day My mother, my father and I went to a park to have a picnic, and then visited mygrandma and grandpaAt 9 o#39clock in the morning, we went to the park for picnic, we took;一天是繁琐而平淡的,但是当你记录下来仿佛一天的生活都鲜活了起来下面是我为您推荐的两篇作文MyDay英语作文50字更多相关讯息还请持续关注我们作文栏目篇一MyDay英语作文50字 Today is MondayI get up at 6;5my day This is my day I get up at 600,then have breakfastAfter breakfast I go to school at 700,It is 1130 I am go home,I have lunch at 1200,I make a habit of taking a nap after;关于my day 英语作文1 My name is QinLongying I’m a student, I have a busy day every day I get up at 700 and get dressed at 715 in the moring Then I have breakfast I go to school;my day英语作文60词篇1 My day Hello, I am Liu Wei Now let me tell you something about my dayI go to school from Monday to Friday So I usually get up at 630 in the morning I have breakf;my day英语作文8句话篇1 Today is Monday I get up at 600 I have my breakfast at about 630Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth I have noodles for breakfast I go to s。


Today is Monday I get up at 600 I have my breakfast at about 630Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth I have noodles for breakfast I go to school at 700 I do。

my day英语作文篇一 Like most Chinese primary students, my life is quite simple Get up in the morning, have breakfast and then go to school My day always begins like thatBut every single day is;下面我就分享三篇以My Day为题的英语作文吧, 翻译也给出来了哦,希望能打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神! 写作思路先介绍自己的名字,再按照时间顺序写自己一天做了什么,比如说七点起床吃饭,八点做作业等等最后加一个结尾就可以了。



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