

1、英语介绍自己的房间双语范文如下My home is small英语介绍自己的房间,but I have a room of my own,which has my favorite things and a lot of small secrets I can play games,read books,sing,and do what I want to do;it is still neatI usually clean the room when I have time How is your room欢迎来到我的房间我的床靠近窗户边上,而在床的边上呢就有一张书桌,书桌上放英语介绍自己的房间了一台电脑和一些书籍在我做完家庭作业之后,就可;我真的很喜欢我们的房间,甚至如果不是总是冼幡油腻,它总是安静和自由等着我,我希望我可以永远在一起,它是 5 用英语介绍自己的房间带翻译 七句话 My Room I have my own room It is big and nice There is a bed。

2、Hello!英语介绍自己的房间?I#39m英语介绍自己的房间?Cherry?I#39m?so?happy,?because?I?have?my?own?room?now?It#39s?small?but?nice?Look!?There?is?a?bed,?a?desk,?a?closet?and?a?shelf?There?are?two?end?tables?near?the?bed?The?compute;先介绍房间的结构,再介绍有什么,最后总结I have my own room now It is not big There is a small blue bed in it Because I love plants, I grow some sun flowers on the desk Every time I am;英语介绍自己的房间你的房间又怎样呢?用英语介绍自己的房间以及翻译和构图我的房间My RoomI am happy I have my own room Look!This is my roomIt’s small but cleanThere is a desk and a bedThere are some dolls on my。


3、我的房间My Room I am happy I have my own room Look!This is my roomIt’s small but cleanThere is a desk and a bedThere are some dolls on my bed There are two chairs There is a book;写作思路以房间为主题,运用英语常见单词,主要语法问题,结合现实正文1There is a big bed and it is very soft in my room在我的房间里有一个人大床它很柔软2There is a desk in my room在我的;介绍我的房间初中英语作文一My room Welcome to my room ,it is not very big but it is very nice and clean ,there are many things in my room ,near the wall is my bed ,under the bed is my soccer,m;我爱我的房间二###案例来咯 英语作文Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my roomThe bed is near the windowa quilt and a doll is on。

4、紫色这是多么梦幻的颜色啊梳妆台在床的旁边梳妆台上有一些书和一支钢笔This is my roomDo you like my room?What about your room?这就是我的房间你喜欢我的房间吗你的房间又怎样呢;介绍自己的卧室英文5句话如下I have a very nice bedroom, it is not large, but it is warm The walls are white, the doors are green, windows are very bright Below the windows, there is a table, a;用英语介绍自己的房间Look , I have a nice room Come and have a look It’s small and nice There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet The bed is near the desk There。

5、因此,这里有着我很多的美好童年回忆4 Now, I am really happy to share them with you现在,我很乐意将它们与你们分享5 My room has a large French window我的房间有一扇大大的落地窗6 During my;next to the deskSome pictures are on the wallI love my bedroom最好还是自己写,相信你自己,加油帮助你就是我的快乐,为梦想而生团队祝你学习进步,不理解请追问,理解请及时采纳*^__^*。

6、用英语介绍卧室可以用 I have a small bedroom,its on the third floor in my houseThere is a small bed,a nice wardrobe and a small table in my room The bed is on the left side of the tableThe。



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