

英语作文从家到学校On the way to school, I always leave my apartment at 630 and walk to the nearest bus stop I sit on the bus for 20 minutes and then get off at the bus stop on Bei#39an road;从家到学校英语作文如下After walking out my house community, I go to the bus stop and take bus 88 for five stopsI get off the bus at People#39s Square, and walk for fiveOut from home, it was ge。

road form my home to my school is not too long,it usually needs some twenty minutes walking at normal speedI#39d sometimes like to ride my bike in this way at least five minutes to schoolIf God looks;回答I#39m very happy that you will come to my home on Sunday My home is not very far It#39s near the biggest shopping center in our town First, you can take the bus No 11 to the shopping。

How do you usually go to school?How long does it take to go to school?How far is it from your home to school;从家到学校的路线的英语作文I am starting from home, first through a supermarket, in the south have been walking in a department store before turning, cross the road, the last 10 minutes walk to the。



从家到学校的路线如下This is my homeGo down this street and turn left at the first crossingWalk on until you see a supermarcket on your right ,then turn right ,go straight and you will find the。

I take the lift to the downstairs , and then I#39ll turn left and go straight, then up the stairs , straight ahead , to the school。

It is 1 km from my house to our school, we usually go to school on foot , it takes us nearly 10minutes to get to school , and first i walk along the Tongji Road, and then turn right after passing。

范文There is a main street and a bus stop from my home to school Spacious cement road on both sides of a lot of osmanthus trees, and a large a large green grass从我家到学校要经过一条大街和公共。

or the sight of the familiar house, do not want to go home, but too want to go home Along the way, as it grew dark, every day to shuttle in Malaysia on the road throughout the small town in nor。

我帮你写,XXX你自己填了 My School isn#39t too far from my homeSo I go to school by XXXI go to school in XXX minutesFirst,I leave my home and turn into XXX roadThen,I go along XXX roadNext。


I remember that I spent the Spring Festival in Guangzhou for the first time Someone said “People in Guangzhou are those who really bring spring to their homes” And I quite agreed with it So before。


today morning his alarm clock didn#39t go off so,sshe got up latewsshen sshe got tsshe station ,tsshe bus has already leftso sshe can only went to school on foot at this time ,it strat to rain。



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