

1、翻译I am what I am 或I am who I am 两者都是可以我就是我英语的例句1I am what I am 1I am what I am because of him由于他我就是我英语,我成为了现在的我2I#39m sorry我就是我英语, campanula, but I am what I am。

2、我就是我I am myself! 反身代词表示强调 顺便送我就是我英语你一句 我思故我在 I think, therefore I am。

3、I am who I am 比较正式 口语中,也可以有如下的说法,虽并不合乎严格的语法,但大家也可以接受 That is meMe is meI am the way I am。


4、“我就是我”quot I am what I amquot或“I am me”看了功夫熊猫之后让我知道了Kung Fu Panda then let me know或saw Kung Fu Panda and then let me know 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量Men are not to be measured。

5、“我就是我”英文是I am who I am最好用me。

6、我觉得应该是这样的1,I am who I am 这个比较好或者 2,Me is me 非常口语,一定要用宾格me都可以。

7、I am just myself,who can never be replaced by anyone或I am just myself ,nobody can take the place of me自认为第二种更好一些但第一种更有文采 希望对您有帮助哦~~。

8、谁会这么说话呢完全不符合交际规则介绍自己你可以说我是什么身份或是什么特点,如I am a student I am kind to everybody 但是绝对不会出现“我就是我”这种可笑的自我介绍方式楼主你自己想想看,你见过这么自我。

9、I,a pair of degrees with the eyes,face a melon,with the exception of hair,the other and no different from others,but has a special假小子headAlthough there is no introduction of quotnew equipmentquot,but also。

10、前者是我是谁的疑问句,后者其实是个定语,并不是个独立的句子,因为不符合最基本的主谓宾的机构,AM后面缺少宾语比如I AM WHO AM I这里就是WHO AM I是修饰I的定语,意为我就是我英语English属于印欧语系中。

11、i am who i am, a different kind of firework。

12、I, a pair of degrees with the eyes, face a melon, with the exception of hair, the other and no different from others, but has a special假小子head Although there is no introduction of quotnew equipmentquot。

13、我给你写了两篇,随便带上翻译,你看看吧I am Li Ming I am thirteen years old I study at No 2 Middle School My mother, a doctor, works in a children#39s hospital My father, a teacher, works。

14、篇三I am who I am 我就是我英语演讲稿 I am who I am 参赛编号0000472 Hello,everybody! Standing here is your old friend LeoI am really happy to stand on this stage and conmmunicate with y。

15、我就是我,是颜色不一样的烟火 翻译成英语I am what I am, a different colored firework。



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