

Subhealth 亚健康sub health又称第三状态亚健康英语,也称灰色状态病前状态亚临床期临床前期潜 病期等亚健康英语,包括无临床症状或症状感觉轻微,但已有潜在病理信息世界卫生组织亚健康英语的一项全球 性调查表明,真正健康的人占5%,患有。

No matter in teaching, research or clinical treatment, our school is excellent as always纯纯的手工翻译,希望亚健康英语你满意,望采纳。

篇一Unhealthy Lifestyle Leads to Subhealth Nowadays, many people are living with sub。

I think it is high time that we took effective measures to prevent subhealthFirstly,people must have enough sleep to ensure that they can regain energy and physical strengthSecondly,people should have a。

1现代社会很多人都处于ldquo亚健康rdquo状态 2造成ldquo亚健康rdquo的原因 3应该如何解决ldquo亚健康rdquo问题 二大学英语六级考试作文范文 How to Deal with Subhealth Nowadays, quite a few。

Experts suggest that the best way to keep us healthy to do exercises It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early Onl。

1 随着现代化的不断加速发展,全世界的物质生活水平不断攀升,但人们却日益受到“亚健康”这种不良状态的威胁 2 亚健康的具体表现及在我国的蔓延程度据调查,北京 75%上海72%广州70%的上班族都处于亚健康状态3。

如何处理亚健康的英语作文这篇作文条理清晰,语言通顺,值得推荐How to Deal with Subhealth With the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved material life At the same time we。

你得写明是列举什么的一二三,比如我们杜绝亚健康有几种方法,一二三你现在什么都没写直接列举,我翻译着都难受= =The first important factor is to have a balanced diet Roughage, multi。


如何解除亚健康As we all know, the subhealth, which is a state of completly physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, has been a world wide controversial。

What is the subhealth亚健康英语? What does the subhealth affect us? How to deal with the subhealth?As we all know, the subhealth, which is a state of completly physical, mental and social wellbeing and。


1For keeping a cool mind ,you should sleep enough at night ,at least 8 too much unhealthy food can make you very sick ,so you should eat more healthy food like meat and。


Life is exercise, healthy, how because sports exercise, have knowledge greatly Especially in the metropolis, the pace of life, competition, people tension busy all day on the job, study, interpersonal and。

标签: 亚健康英语



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