

Do you like math 我最喜欢的科目英语作文? Yes, I like math best I like to read the numbers I think it can give me many happy When I do the math , I am very excited It is easy to finish it So it donesn’t。


我最喜欢的科目英语作文 篇2 I have a lot of subjects They are Chinese, English, math, art, PE I like English best Because learning English is fun Our English teacher always makes us study。


I am very happy Sometimes I sing and dance I really like math And you ? 篇二I like Chinese best I think it is very important for me to learn Chinese well Because I want to be a repor。

我最喜欢的学科英语作文 篇1 English is my favorite subject, because its such a widely used language it is important for everyone to learn english well in our rapidly developing worldEnglish has now。


为大家整理的初中英语作文范文我喜欢的科目 My Favorite Subjects,供大家参考I learn Chines, math, English, PE, Nature and other subjects in school Among them, my favorite subjects are English, PE and。

我最喜欢的科目 英语作文60字 My Favorite Subject Do you know what my favorite subject is? Let me tell you! Someone does well in math, but I am not good at it However my favorite subject is English。

history,geographySo I like English major,because I am a talkative people,I like fresh things中文翻译我最喜欢的是英语学科我非常喜欢英语我喜欢和不同的人谈话,喜欢和全世界人谈话而学习英语是一个基本的。

My favorite subjects are English and mathI like English ,because it is interestingI like math ,because our math teacher is great funHow about you?我最喜爱的科目 我最喜爱的科目是英语和数学我喜欢英语。

我最喜爱的科目 “萝卜青菜,各有所爱”因此,我的同学都有各自喜欢的科目我最喜欢的科目是英语现在,让我来告诉你原因吧我喜欢我的英语老师尽管她非常严格,她也非常慷慨我喜欢上她的课她的英语课非常有。

英语作文 我最喜爱的季节 My Favourite Season My favourite season is autumn It is a harvest season Farmers are all busy getting in the crops There are lots of different fruits in the season, such as。

tries such as the US ,England English is also used in the business We can enjoy some music or films if we can understand EnglishSo I like English very much翻译我喜欢英语因我认英语世界上广泛使用。

my favorite subjectmathThere are many subjects at school, and my favorite subject is Math学校里有很多学科,我最喜欢的是数学Many students think it is hard to learn Math well but I don#39t think s。

第一篇Do you like math ? Yes, I like math best I like to read the numbers I think it can give me many happy When I do the math , I am very excited It is easy to finish it So it。

翻译我最喜欢英语,因为我认为英语在世界上广泛使用无论你去哪里,你都可以说英语,这也是一些国家正规的语言,比如美国,英国英语也被用于商业如果我们懂英语就可以欣赏一些音乐或者电影所以我最喜欢英语数学Of all the。

我最喜欢的学科可以描述这个科目是怎样的,还有就是自己会怎么去学习它English is a very interesting subject to learn When you can recite a word and translate an English sentence by yourself, you have a great。

3我最喜欢的科目英语作文 I learn Chines, math, English, PE, Nature and other subjects in school Among them, my favorite subjects are English, PE and Nature English is an interesting course that I like it very mu。



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