

我今年20岁了用英语是这样的I am 20 years old例句I am 20 years old and I like to paint all fiction20岁英文, I like to listen to classical music, especially like lighthearted, the slow rhythm of the music;13岁英文Thirteen例句His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at Thirteen宠爱20岁英文他的父母在他13岁时就给他买了第一辆竞速自行车英语年龄表示法1表示“整岁”,直接用基数词或year,age,例如“他2。

1Would you mind telling me your age20岁英文?你介意告诉我你的年龄吗2Which year were you born20岁英文?你是哪一年生的3What is your animal sign?你是属什么的4How old are you now?你现在多大了;Happy 20th Birthday to You!就是20岁生日快乐的意思,自己看什么样的字体自己喜欢就行了,萝卜白菜各有所爱每个人的观点都不同的。

3Which year were you born你是哪一年出生的回答的时候可以说“I was born in 具体年份”,也可以用以下几种方式表达年龄1表示整岁,直接用基数词或year, age,比如“他20岁”就可以表示为He is twenty。

20岁 英文

1、“为什么你20岁才毕业”quotWhy do you 20 years old before graduation?quot“我上学比较早,所以比同龄人早毕业”,quotI go to school early, so than their peers graduated earlyquot。

2、num 二十 We invited twenty people, but only a handful of them came我们邀请了20 个人,但只来了寥寥数人He lived in California until he was twenty他在加里弗尼亚一直住到20岁three的词汇搭配 three。


3、“年龄”的英文age 读音英 e#618d#658 美 e#618d#658n 年龄时代时期长时间 v 使变老使陈化 词汇搭配1ask sb#39s age问某人的年龄 2be of age成年 3live to49岁的英语nine years old 单词详解1nine英 na。

4、1Happy 20th birthday wish you all the best on your 20th birthday 3Next Tuesday is my 25th birthday,I hope you can come to my birthday old will you be the day after tomorrow on your。

5、布赖恩数到20,举起了双筒望远镜埃琳娜也照着做了2 By the time he#39s twenty he#39ll know everyone worth knowing in Washington到20岁时,他就会认识华盛顿所有值得认识的人3 Take a hundred and twenty。


5I am 20 years old ,what anout you ?我20岁了,你呢6When were your age ?你什么时候出生的133赞·13,554浏览20190111 除了haveoldareyou表示问年龄之外还有什麽句子?用英语表示问年龄的 What is your。

第三楼写的已经很不错了,不过还有几个语法错误在里面一楼二楼用的是翻译机吗注意翻译机的错误是很多的亲爱的老弟Lieber kleiner Bruder20岁生日快乐Alles Gute zu deinem 20Geburtstag!愿你永远健康平安。

1how old are you? 你多大了?2Would you mind telling me your age?你介意告诉我你的年龄吗3Which year were you born?你是哪年出生的当对方询问你的年龄时,你又该如何回复对方,回答的时候可以这样说“。

20s指的是一个人在他20多岁的时候,例如a man in his 20s,指的是一个20多岁的男的,不能用21s 可以试试21st,是第二十一的意思。

20用英语是twenty,音标是英 #712twenti 美 #712tw#603nti, #712tw#652n twenty n二十,二十个 二十多岁 二十年代 许多,大量 num二十adj二十的扩展例句1Brian counted to。

我8岁了,英文表达为I#39m eight years oldyears old的英语意思是年龄数字years old是个形容词短语,多用作表语例如My daughter is two years old我女儿两岁相关短语1forty years#39 old woman 四十年。



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