

1、在学校学校的一天英语作文的一天英语作文1 学校的一天英语作文我是一名四年级的小学生,生活中有快乐,有悲伤,我的一天差不多都在学校里,所以我要讲一讲今天在学校的一天早上我7点起床,虽然很困,但是一想起美好的一天开始学校的一天英语作文了,我就很高兴,吃完了自己。

2、2 写在学校的一天英语作文 I get to school at half past six everydayFirst is self study, i usually spend half an hour preparing my lessonsFollowed by Morning ReadingIt is often Chinese and English。

3、我学校的一天 My School Day I#39m Alice I have a busy day every dayIn the morning, I usually get up at 500 Then I get dressed, eat breakfast and brush my teeth at 505 I go to school at。

4、A Day at School Every morning I go to school by bike I have 7 lessons a day I learn seven subjects, such as English, Chinese, Maths,Geography, History, Physical Education and so on All the。

5、写作思路根据题目要求,介绍在学校一天的经过In the morning, when I went to the school gate, I saw those senior students on duty there They were all standing on both sides of the gate早上我到校门口。

6、I always get up early in the morningI usually have my breakfast at 630I#39m never late for school,I have lunch at 1200,I have dinner with my familyAfter I finish my homework I often play some。

7、您好My school day I get up at 6 o #39clock in the morning, and have breakfast at half past six, then go to school at seven o #39clock We have nine lessons a day, to do morning reading at seven。

8、At half past five I go homeHow busy I am at school! But I am really happy!我每天都忙着在学校我得到了在600然后做早操和早读有4个班在上午和3班在下午我在家里吃午饭午饭后,我有一个短暂。


10、my school day i enjoy my life spent at school,because i can not only learn new knowledge every day,but also i can share my happiness with my friendsi was on duty for today,so i got up very early。


11、有许多人来学校通过乘坐公共运输像大巴,地铁等来上学此外,我发现,有一些钱的学生愿意出租车作为一个更快,更方便的交通工具来上学 最后,我想每一个方法是合理的,我最喜欢来学校的方式就是骑车 英语作文上学与教育 It is m。

12、though I want to cry in my heart当我第一天去学校的时候,我的父母开车送我到学校,然后学校的一天英语作文他们陪我到教室,告诉我学校的一天英语作文他们要走了,我感到孤单,尝试着不去哭,虽然我心里面想哭出来But soon I make new friends and f。

13、My School Day I enjoy my life spent at school, because I can not only learn new knowledge every day, but also I can share my happiness with my friends I was on duty for today, so I got up very。

14、my first day at school It was on a warm autumn day that my elder brother and I walked into Tsinghua Subordinate High School The strong dry wind was quite different from that in my hometown, which is。

15、it was time for school, I went back home 今天,阳光明媚bai,我走向了学校,du在学校里zhi有我熟识的同学,今dao天早上是汉语早专读,属我们读了几首诗,时间很快,到了放学时间,我回到了家 自己写的不喜勿喷。

16、today is Monday,there are 4 classes in the morning and 3 classes in the afternooni still feel happy because i can gain knowledge after i attend schoolin the morning,the first and second class was Chines。

17、There are more than 1,500 students in our school We have math, English, Chinese, music, art ,PE and so on Our teachers are friendly to us Although they are strict with us on all subjects, we。

18、swift, on time, security of people participating in Olympic GamesHope Beijing Olympic Games can be succeeded in holding 本文来自作文地带 2154_2html采纳哦。



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