

1、2具体询价所谓具体询价实际上就是请求对方报盘request for an offer也就是说询价英语,买方已准备购买某种商品询价英语,或已有现成买主询价英语,请卖方就这一商品报价 Basic Expressions 1 Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue。

2、英语询价信写作 方法 A Letter of Enquiry 询价信一般询价信写四或五段,1 Source of information 2 Reason for Enquiry 3 Asking for price, list, and catalogue 4 Giving references 5 Further Business。

3、4quotation list 报价单,specifications产品规格书,inquire询价询盘5一些认证方面的词汇,如,CECBULFCC certificate等6客人订单下来的时候会有一个Job order上面会体现所有订单中对产品规格,认证,美工资料等。


4、英语商务用语询价用语产品自我推荐 询价用语 a随函寄上询价单一份 We are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet b如果贵方对感兴趣,请告具体询价 If you are interested in our,please let us know with a。

5、request询价 price价格 reason理由 solid充分 margin利润率 logical逻辑 support支持 event项目 budget预算 process流程 schedule计划 slide幻灯片 rehersal排练 engage组织,包括 resource资源 account。

6、询价Useful Sentences 1, As we are in the market for 需求, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations最优惠的价格2, We have seen your advertisement in and shall be。

7、W#39d like to inquire you some new items, please quote for me后面也可以说Would you please send us your price list这是询价时常用的一些话。

8、问题五商务英语询价邮件望高手帮忙翻译 Dear Mrxxx,We are timber importer in China, we learn through the internet that your pany is dealing in beech woods Can you please give us detailed quotations on。

9、讨价还价演员表Dora Smith 美国经销商代表 Tom Brown 美国公司经理 Nancy Wang 公司的采购部业务员 Simon Zhou 公司经理 N Hello, Mr Smith, I think we can start by talking about the priceD。

10、The customer just inquires the price, there is no order temporarily 英语的,仅供参考。

11、pls check the following and quote the most favorable price ASAP1machinery accessoriestotally 3 items,pls refer to the attachement 12electrical peelerpls refer to the attachment 2。

12、只能给个大概模版,具体的东西只能自己补充了询盘很简单,但还是要有个基本架构的一段,介绍来意EGWe come to know you from XXX and get interested in your product XXXso we are writting to you to get。

13、Your enquiry have been received with thanks,for your reference our reply as follow以上是我用于回复询函的较正式回答。

14、Thanks for your enquiry, I will quote you after sorting as soon as possible。

15、询价 JaneAll rightShall we get down to the price now询价英语?现在我们可以来谈一谈价格问题吗JoeNo problemOur unit price for the handmade straw mattress is 10$ per one没问题我们手工制造的草席垫子单价是。

标签: 询价英语



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